Chapter 10

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Monticello Mansion, Charlottesville, State of Virginia, December 1st 1819

Alexandra, Anya and her father, Titus Woodson, had been invited to the great celebration of the assumption of the new governor of the State of Virginia, Thomas Mann Randolph Jr. The party took place in the large Monticello mansion, where Randolph lived with his wife, Martha Jefferson and their twelve children.


Seventeen years before...

Alexandra Victoria Woodson was born on July 1st 1802, in the city of London, England. Her mother, Rebecca Pramheda, had died during the difficult childbirth in which her father, Titus Woodson, had to choose between her life or that of his wife. The vampire Heda finally chose his firstborn and only daughter, after his wife begged him to save her and take care of her.

Titus raised the girl in the mansion he owned on the outskirts of the capital of the kingdom. Alexandra was educated with private tutors who taught her; geography, history, literature, mathematics, music. As well as various languages such as French, German, Russian and Spanish. The girl from her early years proved to have extreme intelligence, and often surprised her father with her quick learning, and also, the great talent she possessed for writing and playing the piano. And the ease in which she handled mathematics and languages.

Alexandra was the only half-human girl in a long family of vampires. She was the first born from a union between a mortal and an immortal, and, therefore, she represented a great curiosity in the clan of vampires led by her father. But for the most conservative of the clan, it was a simple abomination, from which anything could be expected, and that meant in a few words, a too dangerous being, to make matters worse, she would be nothing less than the next Heda.

As she grew and developed a little faster than normal humans, the girl also demonstrated the powers of a vampire. So the conservatives of the clan, commanded by Titus' brother, Richard, refused to recognize Alexandra as the next Heda. Just as they wanted her life to be extinguished immediately, and that it be declared, by means of an absolute and irrevocable law, that no vampire could bear a being with a mortal.

The pressure of that certain group caused Titus to see himself in the situation of having to make a pact with his brother. He would emigrate from the city and the kingdom where he had lived for almost more than three hundred years, with his daughter Alexandra and twelve loyal subjects, leaving the leadership of Europe to Richard, while he emigrated to the Americas, where he would establish himself as the Heda of those new lands.

Titus knew very well that Richard only took advantage of his mistake of getting involve with a human and creating a being like his daughter, to seize what he always wanted, his mandate, to be the Heda of the clan. And, although it was not pleasant for Titus to have to leave his home and position, it was the only way to keep his daughter alive, fulfilling the promise he had made to his Becca before she died. On the other hand, he could not deny that the arrival of that special being changed many aspects of his life and his person, his way of seeing the world, and, in addition, he had the vision that Alexandra was going to be the leader of a new generation of vampires.

At the end of the month of May of one thousand eight hundred and ten, Titus, his daughter and the twelve members of his clan left the port of Southampton, in the kingdom of England, who, in addition to being loyal to him, also possessed the pure blood that allowed them to walk in the light of day, like humans.

Alexandra was eight years old when she emigrated to the new world that she had heard so much about, and had read in many books, what was once a large colony of the British empire, the United States. And even when she was quite a child, she was happy for the change of home, traveling to distant lands, where they would settle with her father and those, she considered her family, the members of the clan loyal to her father. Also, Titus had explained to her the reason for the trip, and that it was due to her, her mixed and rare condition, and to take care of her existence. Her father spoke to her in an adult and sincere way, because he knew that his daughter had the mental capacity to understand him, and the little girl did.

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