Chapter 7: Lost In The Wilderness

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I found myself stuck in traffic, the blaring sound of the radio filling the silence. My wife sat anxiously beside me, her concern mirroring my own about the current state of affairs and the new infection that seemed to be driving people mad.

Feeling a surge of unease, I reached into the glove compartment and retrieved my handgun. Checking the clip, I reassured myself that I had enough ammunition. Determined to find answers about the duration of this traffic, I turned to my wife.

"Hey, I'll be back soon," I said, mustering a confident tone.

My wife's grip tightened on my hand, her fear evident in her trembling hands. "Please don't leave me. I'm scared," she pleaded.

I leaned in and kissed her on the lips, hoping to offer some reassurance. "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. Take this," I said, handing her my hunting knife. "Just in case."

She took the knife, her confidence visibly bolstered. With a final glance, I stepped out of the truck, determined to investigate the cause of the prolonged traffic jam.

As I made my way through the stagnant line of cars, fear and anxiety were palpable among the frightened individuals. Ahead, a checkpoint loomed, guarded by military soldiers armed with machine guns held firmly in their hands.

A soldier, identified by the tag "Hunter," approached me and extended his hand. "Sir, I strongly advise you to return to your vehicle," he demanded, pointing back in the direction I had come from.

But I was resolute. "I want to know what the hell is going on," I asserted, refusing to back down.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted, sending shockwaves of panic through the crowd. Infected beings emerged from the chaos, attacking unsuspecting citizens. The military responded swiftly, opening fire as chaos ensued. With a surge of adrenaline, I sprinted back towards my truck, desperate to evade becoming their next victim.

As I hurried towards the truck, an infected lunged at me, pinning me against a nearby car. Its gaping maw threatened to tear into my throat. Acting on instinct, I reached for a nearby pipe and forcefully jammed it into the creature's mouth, buying myself a moment of reprieve.

But before I could fully process the situation, my wife appeared beside me, wielding the hunting knife. With a swift and decisive motion, she plunged the blade into the infected's head, neutralizing the threat.

"We have to go!" she urgently exclaimed, gripping my hand and pulling me towards the truck. I wasted no time and quickly jumped into the driver's seat, starting the engine. In my haste, I reversed forcefully, colliding with the car behind us. Ignoring the damage, I swiftly spun the steering wheel, manoeuvring the truck out of the line-up.

As we sped away, I glanced in the rear-view mirror, witnessing the infected giving chase. Determined to escape their clutches, I made a split-second decision and veered onto a rough dirt track. But just as hope began to flicker, the engine sputtered and the truck came to an abrupt halt, leaving us stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Frustration and panic surged through me as I futilely attempted to ignite the engine, only to be met with the disheartening sputter of a broken-down vehicle. "No, no!" I exclaimed, realizing our dire situation. "Get out!" I commanded, swiftly exiting the truck and making my way to retrieve my guns.

I popped open the trunk, grabbing my trusty hunting rifle, its weight reassuring in my hands. The approaching sounds of infected grew louder, their presence closing in. As I quickly reloaded the rifle.

My wife secured the survival kit and began running. I scanned the area, taking aim and firing, bringing down the first infected in our path. With my wife by my side, we sprinted down a narrow dirt path, our hearts pounding with each stride.

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