Chapter 9: Glimmer Of Hope

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Joel POV:

During the Events Of The Last Chapter:

With a vigilant gaze, I kept watch for any potential intruders. Down below, Dina and Jesse sought some much-needed rest, relying on me to protect them and ensure their safety. However, my attention was abruptly diverted as a multitude of soldiers marched towards our location.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, I swiftly descended into the theatre. The entrance had been forcefully breached, leaving me unable to warn Dina and Jesse, who were now bound and silenced by our captors. Faced with the gravity of the circumstances, I pondered my options.

In an instant, excruciating pain surged through my body as a bullet pierced my leg. Slumped against the wall, I glimpsed the familiar face of the girl I had encountered back in Jackson. The wound throbbed relentlessly, intensifying my suffering.

As Abby approached, clutching a club tightly in her grasp, I braced myself for the impending blow, expecting the worst.

But before Abby could act, a man emerged, cigar in hand, and identified me as Joel. He scrutinized my condition, taking notice of my injured leg.

"Well, Colonel Mason, what's the plan now?" Abby spat with contempt, her voice dripping with disdain.

Colonel Mason exhaled a cloud of smoke, his eyes lingering on me. "Nah, let's bring him back with us. Torture will serve us better. Consider it my order."

Abby started to protest, but Colonel Mason's authoritative voice thundered, "I saved you from Isaac. You either fall in line or I'll throw you right back to him." His words silenced Abby, stifling any objections she may have had. Darkness enveloped me as I was struck unconscious, unaware of what awaited me next.

Ellie POV:

"Fudge!" I exclaimed, pacing back and forth in a state of panic. Everything was in ruins, and I had no idea what to do next. "What on earth are we supposed to do?" I questioned, my mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Cassandra leaned against the wall, her demeanour oddly calm. She absentmindedly stroked her chin and toyed with her knife, finding solace in her own way of coping with the situation.

Desperate for answers, I pleaded, "Seriously, what's our next move?"

Breaking her silence, Cassandra spoke up. "There's only one option," she said, walking towards the back room. She switched on the CB radio and adjusted the frequency before pressing the button. "This is Cassandra L/N, calling out to Colonel Mason."

There was a tense silence, until a voice finally responded. "This is Colonel Mason. I must say, it's quite a surprise to hear from you," his voice carried an air of authority, tinged with a hint of malevolence.

"Listen up, Colonel," Cassandra declared with a resolute tone. "I don't care who you are or what you're up to, but I want my brother back. Now, you relay this message to Anarchy for me, if he wants a fight, then he better bring it."

Colonel Mason's laughter echoed through the radio before abruptly cutting off. Gearing up alongside Cassandra, I asked, "What's the plan?"

Cassandra began dousing the surroundings with gasoline. "Once they come here to capture us, this place will go up in flames," she explained, her eyes gleaming with determination. She cocked her pistol, ready for action.

I positioned myself across from the movie theatre, ready and waiting. My grip tightened around the bow, having honed my skills with it over time. It was time to put it to good use. Moments later, Cassandra descended gracefully from the rooftop, joining me in the tense anticipation.

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