Chapter 8: Chaos Unleashed

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Anarchy POV:

I had located Mel at the aquarium with relative ease, almost as if following a loyal dog back to its owner. Peering through the scope of my binoculars, I carefully observed the surroundings and devised a plan to enter the facility.

Unfortunately, the road leading to the aquarium had been washed away by the floodwaters, necessitating my passage by boat. Fortunately, I had acquired a vessel from some survivors I encountered, although it was a grim encounter resulting in their unfortunate demise. Nevertheless, I set sail towards the aquarium, determined to confront Mel and Owen.

Cassandra POV:

As I rummaged through my backpack in search of my journal, my fingers stumbled upon an unexpected treasure. I pulled out a weathered, timeworn book, and as I glanced at its cover, a name radiated out to me with a nostalgic shimmer. It was my father's journal, a piece of his life that had somehow found its way into my possession, nestled among my belongings in my humble abode in Jackson.

"Guess I picked up the wrong one," I muttered to myself, a mix of surprise and curiosity dancing in my eyes. Intrigued by the unexpected discovery, I gently unravelled the pages, feeling the delicate texture beneath my fingertips. With a sense of reverence, I started reading the first page, eagerly delving into the untold stories that lay dormant within its worn, yellowed sheets.


It had been an incredibly challenging period, and I found myself serving under the command of Colonel Murdoch. Throughout it all, Lieutenant Mason had become my closest companion, and his wife, a truly kind-hearted individual. Our unit had been deployed to Salt Lake City with the task of searching for crucial supplies.

Little did I know, it was all a setup, and Mason was well aware of the deception. I had placed my trust in him, only to discover the devastating truth, the real mission was to confront the infected creatures known as "bloaters." Tragically, the entire unit was annihilated, leaving me as the sole survivor.

In a desperate bid for survival, I quickly radioed my wife, relaying the grim news. Thankfully, she possessed a sharp wit and suggested seeking refuge at our secluded cabin, a place known only to us. It was the best immediate plan, allowing us to lay low and regroup before considering a permanent relocation. Our aim was to remain hidden from the clutches of this corrupt government and its sinister schemes.

Ellie POV:

As I woke up, I stretched my tired muscles and stepped out of the room. To my surprise, I found Joel sitting down with his hunting rifle in hand. He looked up at me and greeted me with a warm smile "Good morning," he said.

"Good morning," I replied, still yawning a bit. "Where is everyone else?"

"Cassandra is all geared up and ready to leave," Joel explained, standing up. "And Jesse is taking care of Dina. She had a pretty high fever last night."

I slung my backpack over my shoulder. "I'm glad you're here to watch over them."

Joel gave me a half-smile. "Getting too old for this, kiddo."

"I know, old man," I teased, smiling back. "Joelle."

Joel chuckled softly and motioned for me to follow him. He led me to where Cassandra was all packed and ready to go.

After briefing Dina and Jessie on our plans, I set off with Cassandra, leaving the movie theatre behind. As we stepped outside, Cassandra extended her hand and realized that it was pouring rain. This meant that our boat journey would be even more challenging.

"The water will be rough," Cassandra said, putting up her hood and forging ahead. I followed closely behind, carefully navigating past an overturned bus. It was then that I noticed signs indicating that the Wolves, our adversaries, must have hidden a spear boat somewhere in the vicinity.

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