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I kept telling myself  I would forget all about it, but I couldn't

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I kept telling myself I would forget all about it, but I couldn't. My body couldn't, and I wanted more. I don't know where this insatiable hunger had come from, but I needed to feed it. I told Arik that I wanted to have a meeting with him about our upcoming doctor's appointment. Dr. Turner called me, and told me that everything was okay with his blood work, and STD results.  She told me she was ready to move onto the next step of collecting a sample from him, and I would come in a few days to track my ovulation. I should've just been honest with him about why I really wanted to see him, but my pride wouldn't let me. Maybe if I saw him that would be enough. As I walked into the empty club, that night came racing back to me. Me dancing on the dance floor, and him watching from across the room. The endless watermelon martinis I consumed. I enjoyed myself to the fullest without thinking of anything else.

I made my way to his office, my heart pounded with every step I took. My palms were sweaty, and my clothes started to irritate my skin. I had never felt so flushed before, and the feeling annoyed me. I wanted it to go away, and I knew he was the only one that could help me do that. As I got closer to his office, I couldn't help but think would he be willing to do this again? I told him I wanted this to be a one-night stand, and to move on. I couldn't go back on what I said, it would make me look like a fool. Who the hell was I kidding, I probably looked like a desperate fool right now. I knocked on his office door, and he told me to come in. I hesitated for a minute, but took a deep breath and pushed the door open. He was sitting behind his desk, wearing all black as usual. He was looking over some paperwork with a glass of bourbon sitting next to him. He didn't look up as he asked me what I wanted to talk about.

I stood in front of his desk with my hand on my hip. "The doctor said everything was great with your tests, so we are free to move forward."

"You could've told me that over the phone or sent a text. I'm glad my results came back the way I knew they would. Is there anything else you need?"

How the hell was he acting so nonchalant? Why was he acting so nonchalant? I felt like an idiot as I stood here, staring at him. Our sex was stuck in my head, it was fucking up my everyday life. Here he was completely unfazed by it. But what the hell did I expect? He was a man of the night, and he had endless women at his feet. I was one of the many that he gave his time to. He was only doing me a favor, so why would it be stuck in his mind? The women that he had sex with were probably way better looking than me and had better bodies. I was making a fool of myself by thinking it meant something to him. He was probably on to another girl right after being with me. What frustrated me the most about this entire situation was the fact that I was the only one bothered by it. I was a married woman, and he was my brother-in-law. Why was I so upset about him being single and being with other people?

"Is there anything else you need?" He repeated looking up at me this time.

"No," I said, turning to leave. There was nothing more I needed to say. I saw him, and it did make the hunger go away. The only thing I felt now was an unbearable need to slap him in the face.

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