Chapter 1: His Return

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"Say, what would you do if I were to lose my memories of you?" Playful eyes twinkling with love and affection full of recognition stare right at the man who is quietly sitting on the couch with a thick medical book at hand.
Upon hearing the random question thrown at him by his lover, James raised his slightly bowed head, taking away his attention from the book he was reading, and looked back at Net, who was anticipating his reply. He closed his book, shifted his body to face him, and answered, "I'll take you to a doctor."
Net laughs at his boyfriend's reply, leaning forward to rest his forehead on the other's shoulder as a habit. After having a good laugh at his lover's humor, he continued asking random questions, trying to dig deeper. "Are you going to be that doctor?"
"Hmmm, I wonder about that," James playfully answered.
"I won't get checked by anyone unless it's you," Net half jokingly responded in a serious tone, arousing an adorable smile from the other.
"Why not? It's not like a doctor won't do a good job examining you. Don't worry, I'll make sure to choose a capable doctor when that happens."
"Really? What kind of 'capable' doctor?" Net asked after placing his left hand on top of his lover's fair legs resting on top of his own and putting his right arm at the headrest of the couch to support the other's head.
"The kind of doctor that loves you with all his heart so he can properly take good care of you?" James slightly tilted his head and questioningly answered, giving his boyfriend a sweet smile as he watched how the other's face lightened, elated by his response.
The older of the two, who is now at a loss for words, looks at the younger with overflowing affection before closing the gap and claiming his plump lips, sealing it in a passionate kiss full of erotic sweetness.

A knock on the door brought the man, in a long white coat, sitting on the edge of a table placed in the center of the room while holding a document at hand, back to the present after reminiscing about a bittersweet past. James, a successful surgeon despite his young age and known for his talent in the field of medicine, looks at the tall, dark-haired man who entered the room.

"Are you sure about this? I can take over and examine him instead if you want." Tutor, his best friend since middle school who is also a resident surgeon at the hospital he's working at, suggested in a serious voice while his eyes focused on the papers he was holding.

"The director specifically asked me to examine the son of his friend as a favor," James responded, his face void with emotion.

"You don't have to force yourself, you know. It's okay to decline a favor, especially if you're not comfortable doing it. Don't put yourself in an uncomfortable situation for someone else's sake."

"What are you talking about? It's been 7 years; I'm fine now." James responded with a smile, causing his best friend to frown.

"You just found out through that document in your hands that your ex, who has forgotten everything about you, has returned and is now a patient you need to examine. Do you really think I'll believe that crap? You can fool anyone but me, James," Tutor irritably answered.

James's lips slightly rise into a genuine smile, a rare occasion that only happens when he's with the people he holds dear ever since that tragic night, at his friend's unique way of showing his concern.

"You worry too much, Mr. Lamnoi." He teased the other, then continued to assure him after seeing the seriousness in his face not faltering, "I'll be fine, I promise."

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