Chapter 7: His Guilt

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" I've been wanting to visit this place!" James exclaimed in excitement the moment he got out of the car upon arriving at their destination. He looks at the big sign that reads "The Memories," his eyes twinkling with excitement, before shifting his gaze back to the bronze-skinned guy who was staring at him.

"You do?" Net awkwardly looked away while mentally patting his back and asking, his voice laced with relief.

"Yes! This is so exciting," the medical student responded, full of excitement, before he continued walking in the direction of the entrance. "I can't wait to paint while drinking coffee."

Net nodded his head, mentally taking notes on how the others liked the place and thinking of ways to ask James to come back here again some other time. His lips slowly formed into a soft smile before he frowned and looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Paint?" Net asked, confused.

"Yeah, paint, this is an art museum café, isn't it? You must've tried it already; how was it? Was it fun?" James stops in front of the glass door and bombards Net with questions before tilting his head to the side and looking at him with expecting eyes, making the latter guiltily avoid his gaze.

"Uh, yeah, I guess so," Net answered, full of uncertainty, leaving the fair-skinned guy confused.

"My friend said they have lots of art materials you can use to paint, and the 2nd floor of this cafe was built as a museum where customers can also put their art pieces on display," James explained.

"Right," the student pilot replied under his breath, somewhat embarrassed.

"Have you not tried it yet?" James asked once again before shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, everyone likes different things; maybe he's only here for the coffee," he thought.

Net pursed his lips into a thin line before shaking his head mentally and reprimanding himself. "Okay, this is awkward; I should've done my research first."

"You must've taken quite a liking to their coffee for you to recommend this place, although you don't seem to be the biggest fan of art," James remarked while smiling, making the bronze-skinned guy awkwardly touch the tip of his nose with his folded forefinger.

"Well, uhm, it's—" Net was about to tell the truth about how this was his friend Yim's recommendation, but a voice excusing themselves interrupted him.

James looked at the group of friends carrying a canister tube on their shoulders before apologetically bowing his head.

"Let's go inside," he said, looking at Net and asking with a smile after realizing they were holding up the line in the entrance.

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