Chapter 9: His Memories

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Seven years ago, Net just woke up one day at a loss for words upon seeing a stunning man next to his hospital bed, tightly holding his hand with tears dripping down his flushed cheek. However, as he was still in a delirious state from being in a coma, that beautiful appearance of the man did not last long in his memories as he has bigger problems to face—the earth shuttering news of him being involved in a traffic accident where he lost 3 years of his memories.

He was at a loss for words and was scared witless, of course, but he came to terms with it after he moved out of the country and lived in London, where he got into a university and his dream flying school. There, he started a new life—well, not entirely, as he still has his memories up until graduating high school, but still, he tried. However, even after half a year of trying, some things would always make him stop in his tracks, pondering why he's doing what he just did. He doesn't know why, but sometimes he would do something so stupid that if people were to see him doing so, they would probably think he was crazy, just like now.

Net just came out of the grocery store and entered his car after putting the items in the backseat, where he grabbed the blanket he, for some unknown reason, would never leave without, taking it with him as he circled back into the driver's seat. He then faced the passenger seat to hand over the piece of fabric, about ready to wrap it around someone—the only thing is that there wasn't anyone with him in the car; he was alone—all alone. Net loudly sighed before throwing the blanket over his shoulder; he just shook it off his mind, like he always did, before he drove off back to his apartment.

"Damn it." Net blankly looked at the food he made that could feed two people when he's the only one eating. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the kitchen counter, before irritably grabbing his hair with both hands.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" he muttered under his breath as he tightly shut his eyes to calm himself.

It has been six months since he woke up after an accident that almost took his life. Since the first month he came to London, his parents have dragged him to multiple hospitals to seek professional help. Many doctors have looked into his condition, yet no one among them has been able to help him regain his memories. So after a month of being patient about being dragged here and there for treatment, he finally exploded, telling his parents how ridiculous it was that they were wasting their money on something that obviously wasn't helping him. He still remembers how his mom's eyes started tearing up as she looked at him with pity and guilt; she looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't bring herself to do so. In the end, they respected his wishes and let him decide what to do with his life.

He attended university as a senior after 4 months of reviewing what he apparently studied for 3 years with the help of a private university professor his parents hired for him. Net tried his best to blend in, acting normal despite living a life full of loopholes. However, no matter how much he tried to ignore the things that kept messing with his mind, he still couldn't avoid the confusion that comes with his condition.

Net never had any issues when it came to being friends with anyone, so it was no surprise that the first week in university he already found and formed his own circle of friends. He is an attractive man, so it wasn't difficult to befriend those he wanted to be friends with. The only problem is that whenever he goes clubbing with them, he is always teased for being reserved and not flirting with the people who approach him for the sole purpose of hooking up. Well, in all honesty, it's not like he didn't want to or lacks the ability; it's just that something inside him would never let him get intimately close with anyone. Because the first time he tried hooking up with someone from his university, it didn't end well, despite his partner's appearance. The first and last time he tried hooking up was with a girl named Cass. She's a beautiful girl who most of the guys from his college wanted to hook up with. Everything was normal at first; however, the moment Net's lips touched her's, everything went downhill. Out of nowhere, he just suddenly felt guilty. The strong urge to beat himself up for kissing someone else was so overwhelming that he had to stop and break off the kiss. At first, he just brushed it off as him adjusting to his surroundings, but as it never fades, even after weeks have passed, he just decided to stop.

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