I'm Hopeless

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Howard sat on the bed. He looked at his clock and it read three in the morning. He huffed, lately he could only sleep for a couple of hours and then he would be wide awake racking his brain about what was going on in his life. The birthday party had come and gone and there was no sign of Millie. Was she ok?

He also knew that AJ was trying his best to make up with Millie, and that scared him too. Then again ever since he had seen Leigh, she consistently called him and he found himself enjoying the sound of her voice and her laughter. Thinking of how nice it would be to have a wife to come home to again.

On the other hand, he couldn't stop thinking of Millie, her dark hair, her innocent smile and how she easily told him she loved him. He sighed hard, ever since the beach party and her spectacle, they hadn't seen each other and he had given up on calling her, so he wasn't sure where they stood. Sighing again he took the phone from his dresser. He looked up at the ceiling "What do I do?" He asked like he expected an answer from above. After a couple of minutes he went to dial, just as he was going to push the button, his phone buzzed in his hand. He smiled at the name flashing on the screen.

Millie hovered over the toilet, droplets of sweat covered her forehead as her stomach jolted with each spew. After a couple of minutes she flushed the toilet and gradually stood up. She had been feeling sick for quite some time now and she was afraid of what it was, although it slightly filled her with joy. Putting her weight on the side of the sink, she slumped, feeling a wave of electrifying pain through her belly. Her body fell to the floor as she clutched her stomach, the wave of pain coming and going, like the movement of the ocean.

"Honey, are you ok in there?" there was a knock at the door.

She jumped at the sound of her fathers voice. He wasn't supposed to be home yet, but he did occasionally stop by to check up on her. "I'm..." she gritted her teeth, forcing herself to stand up and open the door. Gasping at the sight of blood on her nightgown. "There's blood...what's happening?" she yelped, falling into her fathers arms. "It hurts"

AJ swirled the drink in his glass, staring at it thoughtfully. "You look like your head is going to explode. What's going on?" Nick asked, placing his arm over AJ's shoulder and stumbling over the stool to sit down. "You've been like that since the party."

"I just can't get through to her, I try calling and she hangs up. I tried going to her house and Mr. Nunez gave me a whole lecture of what an asshole I am. So I left." AJ knew he had done Millie wrong, but they'd been best friends. Wasn't it time she forgave him? Millie had been his friend first and then his girlfriend, he hated the fact that he hadn't been honest with her.

Things wouldn't have been so messy if he would have just come out and said 'I can't marry you, Millie' he recited it in his head. If he thought clearly still to the day he hadn't told her. He hadn't had a chance to explain why? He loved her but as a friend, the little sister he never had. Yeah that was it!

"Well maybe you just have to keep trying. I mean if you care about her." Nick waved down a bartender and ordered another drink "You gonna have something man?" Nick asked him as the bartender leaned over waiting.

AJ stood up, gulped what was left in the cup and nodded "No, it was just coke. I'm going to look for her right now. I have to talk to her and make her understand. I have to help them get back together...I have to get my best friend back. This is my fault. See ya later!" he walked off.

Nick looked at his watch as he yelled out to AJ "But it's like three thirty in the morning" but he got no response and he watched AJ walk out of the bar.

Howard chuckled "So it didn't work out huh? That is too bad, you'll find someone else." his smile wiped off as he went into deep thought.

The voice was soft and sleepy "What if I realized that it's you Howard...the man I want to be with. Maybe we can work this out?" she giggled nervously as there was a long pause on the line.

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