Not Again

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The bus came to a halt right in front of the famous Palms Casino in Las Vegas, he couldn't believe that it was exactly a month since he had been in Vegas. He trudged off the bus, he was exhausted to say the least. They didn't even know if the show would go on that evening. Idaho had been canceled due to scheduling conflicts and Arizona's, because Nick had a nasty cold.

"Man...I hate being stuffy!" Nick spoke, stuffing tissues up his nose. "I wish Sarah was here to make me feel better" he chuckled.

Howie wrinkled his nose, with disgust "Carter...keep those details to yourself. Don't even think about telling me about your newly wed...experiments."

Nick shrugged "What? I'm just're the one that is implying that sex with Sarah would make me feel better. How would you know Howard? Huh? Huh?" the blonde poked at Howie's ribs.

The annoying man had already grown on him. So instead of feeling like smacking him upside the head, for being such a moron. He had learned the method of ignoring him and his childishness. "Come on...let's see if we can get some sleep."

"If we can? It doesn't matter if we can or still fall asleep." AJ's hoarse voice chimed from behind them. Howie glared at him "What? It's true, on a chair...floor...counter...any place you can bend that neck of yours."

The three weeks spent together as a group again, had brought Howie and AJ back to their normal selves. "Oh shut up!" Howie gave him a shoulder shove as they entered the hotel.

Millie hovered over the toilet, it was disgusting and agitating how many times she had emptied her stomach in the past four hours. She wiped her mouth with a wet paper towel and washed her face. There was no way she could look this horrible, Howie would be back home tomorrow night.

They had discussed so many things over the phone in the past three weeks, and had come to the conclusion that she would be moving in with him, right after the baptism. She wasn't the only one moving, her dad had also decided that he would have Rachelle, his girlfriend move in with him. Millie was happy for him, she hadn't thought that her father would ever be happy again. He had proved her wrong.

"What is taking you so damn long woman?" Sarah asked, looking at Millie intently. She knew there was something wrong with her. "You're not pregnant are you?"

Her stomach flipped at the word mentioned "I don't think so...I just got my period last week. It's probably just a stomach flu or maybe I ate something bad." not only was her stomach cramping badly, but the room seemed to spin a little. Holding onto the sink, she forced a smile "Well come on let's go finish shopping. We can't look horrible for Thanksgiving dinner." She shoved a glaring Sarah out of the bathroom.

Lucy barreled into them, "Hold him..." she passed on Elijah to Sarah, who held him awkwardly "I've gotta go..." she winced as she made a dash for the restroom.

"Ugh! It's unbelievable how a child can have a child. He is adorable though." Sarah held him with both hands, far away from her.

"He doesn't bite Sarah. Well, not yet!" Millie giggled, taking the baby and cradling him in her arms. "Man, I do wish I was pregnant." she mumbled, loud enough for Sarah to hear.

Her jaw fell open "You and Howie are trying to get sinners."

Millie let out a laugh "Excuse me, you just got were doing Nick way before that..." Sarah agreed with a shrug of her shoulders, just as Lucy joined them. The threesome resumed their shopping.

The foursome high-fived each other as they piled into the wardrobe room. The place was crawling with fans, they still couldn't believe the turn out for the tour. It hadn't been the same without Kevin, but it hadn't been as bad as they imagined it would be either. 

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