Chapter 2

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It was quite sudden, and as the three teachers outside decided to look through the keyhole, that was when they found out certain parts about the organisation and the people themselves.
In the meeting room, Regna continued to ignore Alan until he finally broke the silence.
"What was that all about, Regna?"
"What was what about, sir?" Mrs Regna coolly asked, emphasising on the sir.
"You-you, you've been ignoring me ever since I told you about the competition! Well, come to think of it, you've been so quiet to me ever since Titan Academy!" Mr Alan started raging, leaning forward in his chair to look at Regna, who just continued looking at her pen (which was going round and round like lightning now).
"Well," Regna began slowly, "I'm sure you can use that small fraction of a brain you have, and work out why. For now, I frankly don't think I can stay in your prescence for a minute longer."
After this, Regna began gathering her papers up and stood out of her chair. Not someone to take silence as an answer, Alan did the first thing he could think of and was his first (but not last) mistake. He grabbed her wrist in an attempt to get her to talk to him properly. He achieved it, but not really in the way he was thinking of.
Whipping her head around, Regna gritted her teeth and sneered, "Get. Your. Hand. Of. Me."
Taking a deep breath, despite knowing that he was making a big mistake, Alan said, "Not until you tell me why you're being of our plans for this school!"

Hissing like a snake, Regna just managed out," I think you know very well why, sir, and you also know that this is not how we run a school under our organisation. "
Now in the flow, she continued, "In the other schools we ran, we never had to open up a block of offices for ourself, let alone put in such strict rules. And from what I can recall, we definitely didn't add in any exams which would expell students! You're just being way too strict for this school, and using students as a way of controlling it isn't the right way to go, and you know that. And this competition! What on earth made you come up with that? We've never really had one, and the only times we ever had are the times where it was really just for fun, and it was a sports competition! Now, people getting expelled?! Oh, and I know very well what your plan is. You just either want Titan Academy to lose, and so you get another one of those expelling exams, or Titan Academy will end up winning, and you'll find a way to expell Denise, because you want Teverly to win instead. And what do you have against Denise? You know very well that when we were tasting their cooking, Teverly's tasted like a mound of dirt clumped together!"

Quite shocked at the amount of words Regna had just spurted out at him, Alan just looked at her in surprise as she was getting her breath back. And yes, she really forgot to breathe when she was saying that whole 50000 paragraphs to Alan. Seizing her chance, Regna wrenched her wrist out of Alan's hands, and proceeded to put her handbag on her shoulder.

When he finally got his words back, Alan just decided to say coolly, " Is that how you talk to your boss?"

Pausing, Regna contemplated what he just said. In the past, this was a trick he used many times to her, and it always would cause her to lay back down. But not anymore. She was sick of all these regulations, but she knew she had to stay so that she could help the students defeat the organisation. Ok, Sherly and Soot Beng were good at defending students too, but she had been covering them for ages. Not like they needed to know.
"Not really Alan, but that is how I speak to someone who needs me, otherwise the organisation would fall to an embarrassing heap of dirt."

With that, she dramatically turned on her heels, and walked over to the door to open it. On the other side, Soot Beng and Sherly quickly realised what was going on, and so scrambled out of the way, ending up hiding under a table near there. Not a very good spot, but they couldn't exactly run away, they weren't that fast. However, they both found that Dan wasn't there with them. Ok, they didn't really care as much for the PE teacher, but they did care. Due to the fact that he might give them away.

Dreading what she would see, Sot Beng craned her neck to see that Dan was sleeping on the door, and was practically snoring. It was to drag him away now, so all they could do was do a quick whisper before going quiet again

The door opened...and Dan immediately fell onto Regna's heels. This realy didn't help her temper, because she was already fuming, and then as soon as she opens the door, she sees the PE teacher probably intending to eavesdrop, and then falling asleep. Not to mention that these were her favourite heels. And it seemed that Soot Beng and Sherly were also hiding. Clearing her throat, she gently (ikr, that is so surprising) nudged Dan of her foot, and then shut the door. Alan didn't need to see anything.
"Dan, can you please wake up, and go to a proper bed?" Regna said, quite exasperated now with his snoring.
As if this was the only thing that would wake him up, Dan instantly shot up and looked at Regna guilt on his face.
"Sorry Regna, I'm just really tired, and I don't even have a proper bed you know, I have to sleep in the cleaning cupboard, anyway, can you please take away my punishment of cleaning the school? I've learnt my lesson!" He continued to plead, not realising that although Regna was taking it in and making a few mental notes, she had also edged away from him, and was planning to go to her private office.

"Dan, just get of the floor will you?" She snapped.
As she was walking out, Sherly and Soot Beng slowly started crawling out, but then ended up having to quickly go back under the table when Regna came back.
"Oh, also," she said, " next time, find a better spot to hide, will you, hiding under the tables is a really common thing." As she said so, she looked at Soot Beng and Sherly for a second, before looking at Dan, muttering that if he wouldn't get of the floor, then he would get trampled on.

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