Chapter III: When You Give a Teenager a Betsey

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"Whoa!" Dan woke with a start and shot up in bed, breathing heavily. He coughed and clutched his chest. The picture of Becca fell onto his bedsheet. "Aw, man! What the heck?" Dan asked. Why did he fall asleep when he had to consider that car? He sure hoped his father didn't walk in on him. And what the heck was that dream? It was like a combination of all the geologic periods in Earth's history. Dan must've gotten it from his story. He must've. Yet, he couldn't help but feel like an adventure was approaching. It started with the dream, followed by something scratching at his door.

It opened, and Claude, the family Golden Retriever, pranced into the room. The white fur around his wet nose said he was an older dog but full of spunk despite being twelve years old.

"Arf! Arf!" Claude approached Dan and set a tennis ball down in his palm. He wagged his feathery tail and chased it a few times.

Dan caught his ears once he stopped and scratched them. "Hey, Claude. I guess you're trying to drag my lazy bum downstairs to do the lawn, huh?"

"Arf! Arf!" Claude tugged Dan's pant leg. Letting go, he rushed for the door.

"All right, boy, lead the way." Dan attempted to ignore the dream and slid off the bed. "Achoo!" He scrunched his nose with the sneeze. "Whew, excuse me." There must've been some dust in his room, but Dan didn't fret. Colds only lasted a week, and he felt much better with man's best friend beside him.

"Let's go, Claude," he ordered. "To the car! I mean—to the lawn!"


In hindsight, Dan wasn't 100% sure if he got a car, but he kept telling himself he did. It was also rare for his dad to give him a birthday present. He hated to admit it, but he was closer to the dog than his father. That's why he was surprised to find Ben and Geico waiting for him when he and Claude reached the fenced-in backyard. Not only that, but Ben had the stupidest grin on his face. He looked like a little kid who cared too much about the presents on Christmas Day.

"Dad?" Dan searched the area. "What are you and Geico doing out here?"

"Dan the Man, close your eyes!" Ben exclaimed.

"What the heck, Dad?" Dan's eyes narrowed, and he grasped his hips. "What's with the 'Dan the Man'?" He was used to Danny Boy and Idiot for his nicknames. Idiot was the most common one, but Dan wasn't offended. He was a big oaf.

"No questions! Just close your eyes!" Ben yelled. Why was he so impatient? What happened after his and Dan's argument?

"Dad, I thought you wanted me to mow the lawn." Dan released one hip and patted Claude's head.

"Your room is enough for now." Ben's impatience exploded. "Son, we have not a minute to lose! Geico and I have meant to give you something for a while now."

The Sun tickled Dan's nostrils, and he sneezed again. A pinch of pain touched his temples, but he shook his head. "Uh, okay. You're not making any sense right now, Dad, but if you say so..." He closed his eyes, a wave of exhaustion cloaking his body simultaneously. Why, though? Hoverscooting wasn't that difficult, and he just woke from a nap.

Ben's voice interrupted his thoughts: "Follow my voice, Dan. Geico, could you help the kid out, please?"

"Of course, Master." Geico's whirling wheels went to him.

At his touch, Dan jumped slightly. "Seriously, Dad, what's going on?" he inquired, not knowing if he should push Geico away. He and Ben would most likely take him to the lawnmower and rub in his face, like Molly, that he was lazy. Whatever. At least Dan was finally spending a little time with his dad.

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