Chapter V: Abducted by Aliens

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Oh, that Daniel Matton! PPMC should've known he wouldn't sit still. When she woke to check on him, she found only an empty bed and the PPMC Gauntlet. That was a sneaky move on Dan's part.

Her hands fell into her cockpit. PPMC turned everything on and said, "He most likely went to the Mirovia Ocean." She pressed the Precambrian button on her time machine and pulled up a map of Rodinia.

PPMC dragged her finger across her blinking red dot and followed the trail to the ocean. "Okay, it's not that far." She hoped Dan hadn't put himself in danger, but that was unlikely for a boy who loved geologic time and most likely suffered from a lung infection. She could not risk leaving him alone for long; she needed to watch him carefully.

PPMC's wheels whirled, and she lifted into the sky. She followed the map across Rodinia and flew between arches and close towers.

While she flew, she noticed something on the map that looked intriguing for Dan to study: a mass of volcanoes about 100 miles away. They could finish the Precambrian Time with a bang and move on to the Paleozoic Era. PPMC had to admit that the Precambrian Time was boring. Even though she wanted to see more life instead of rocks, she understood why the space center sent Dan there: to find the first lifeforms.

The Mirovia Ocean soon came into view, and PPMC landed at the edge of it. She blew up dust. Once it cleared, she noticed something approaching her and moved her hands outside. "Hoverscooter 23. Son of a—!" Of course, Dan overworked himself. She saw him conked out on his hoverboard.

Hoverscooter 23 turned him over, and PPMC annoyingly said, "Thank you, Hoverscooter 23... again." She didn't dare try to wake Dan and escorted him to his room. She would give him a proper earful in the morning. Until then, she stayed by his side for the rest of the night.

He slept soundly, but PPMC saw the fear and guilt on his face. She heard it in his voice, too, because he sleep-talked.


Gee, what on Earth happened that day five years ago? Why couldn't Dan tell PPMC? She needed another way to earn his trust, and something came to her robotic mind. She merely had to find the perfect time to execute her plan.

At 7 a.m. Precambrian time, Dan stirred. Instantly, he sat and shouted, "Ah! I've been abducted by aliens!"

"No, no!" PPMC stated. "It's just PPMC, Dan."

"Huh?" Dan glanced at her. "Wait, I don't understand. I left on my own. How did you find me?"

"Uh... motherly instincts?" PPMC guessed. "Your hoverscooter brought you to me, and so help myself, Dan, if you leave without the PPMC Gauntlet again—"

"I was gonna come back," he argued, setting his hands in his lap. "I just didn't want any distractions." He beamed. "You won't believe what I saw out there!"

"Stromatolites?" Why couldn't PPMC stay mad at him for long?

"Yeah, stromatolites," Dan joked. "No, PPMC, I also saw Otavia Antiqua!"

"What?" PPMC had never heard that term before.

"One of the first multi-celled organisms! Whoo-hoo!"

Okay, that kid definitely felt better. He stood and jumped up and down on his bed, giddy like a child. "They lived from 760 Ma to 550 Ma, and I saw one!" Dan stopped bouncing and playfully waved his legs. "I looove geologic time, PPMC."

"I know you do." She tossed him his sunsuit. "Get changed, kid, and meet me in the kitchen for breakfast. Afterward, you can show me the Mirovia Ocean. I also have something for you."

"You do?" Dan slightly blushed. "Aw, PPMC, you shouldn't have."

"I have no choice," she corrected. "I need to keep you safe."

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