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There you were, skipping in an empty classroom with Bill again. You guys have been skipping 5th period because no one can stand the group of jocks they decided to put together in that class.

It's a great time for you and Bill to just talk. Bill is always busy during lunch, either talking to people or talking to his brother. Honestly sometimes it feels like he forgets about you, but he constantly assures you that he's always thinking of you.

Today he didn't even say hi to you during lunch, usually during the first ten minutes you guys get to talk a bit, but he just walked straight past you.

Of course this made you miserable and while sitting in the classroom with him, you could feel the silence of the room growing heavier.

He could sense the change in your demeanor, and sat next to you on the desk you were perched on.

"What's wrong with you today? Did your balls drop or something?" He jokes, chuckling to himself before quickly stopping as he saw you had no reaction, "Alright then, no jokes."

He places a hand on your shoulder, tilting his head, "Seriously though, what's up?"

He waits silently for your response before giving up, just putting his hands in his lap while sighing.

Why did you have to have such extreme reactions to Bill not talking to you? I mean, you guys are friends. Not hard-core gay lovers.

It is kind of shitty to just not tell him what's been bothering you, I mean if you don't communicate what's upsetting you then it'll just get worse.

"Yeah I don't know man," You fix your posture while itching the back of your head, "It just.. It seems like you just forget I exist sometimes. And I know it's weird that I'd be so concerned with talking to you twenty-four seven, but today you didn't even bother to say hi to me during lunch, and lunch and this period are the only times I get to talk with you."

Man it feels like you just took a huge shit with how much pressure that let off your chest.

Bills eyes widena bit in suprise, before filling with guilt, "Yeah, I'm.. I'm just a busy guy? I forget to talk with you. But I'm always thinking of y-"

"You always say that. Saying you're always thinking of me, but how the fuck am I supposed to know that?" You're voice raises a bit out of aggravation, though you don't seek an argument with Bill. You're just searching for an answer.

"Because I.." Bill pauses, his breath speeding up a bit as he nervously swallows the lump in his throat.

You notice Bill's nervousness and a raise a brow. This is such a cheesy situation, but once it actually happens to you it's not so cheesy anymore.

"Y/N look promise me you won't hate me after this." Bill's voice sounds stiffer than usual, you know he's about to say some life changing shit.

You nod, "Nothings gonna make me hate my best friend."

Bill swallows again, taking a deep breath, "I uh... I like.. You..." His face becomes a deep red as he waits very impatiently for your answer.

You freeze in shock, jesus fucking christ did he just confess to you? And he confessed like a middle school boy?!

But who are you to judge, you'd confess the same way too. You can feel your face heating up as you truly take in the meaning of his words. You'd been trying to shove your feelings for him in the trash, and there he goes like a doofus confessing right here right now.

Bill fails to read your expression (and your mind, he already tried that trust me) and quickly jumps to playing it down, "But you don't have to say yes or no right now or anything..!"

Bill Kaulitz Oneshots M! Reader :3 Where stories live. Discover now