The Potters

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing

[voice over]

Blending in with a photo (Like see through)


After lunch was done and the room was turned back, Stephen and Penny took a seat next to May and Happy. May wrapped an arm around her niece holding her close as Happy narrowed his eyes at Stephen 'This memory is 4 years in the future' The voice said before lights dimmed 

22-year-old Penny was in the kitchen making lunch for her girls as 25-year-old Stephen was leaning against the kitchen table watching her  "Are you going to help, or are you going to continue watching me?" Penny asked chopping some strawberries "Hmm, I think I'll continue watching. I like the view" Stephen trailed his eyes up and down Penny making her throw a strawberry at him 

"Eyes on her face Strange" Tony glared at him making him hold his hands up as Penny shakes her head  

Stephen laughed and popped the strawberry in his mouth making Penny roll her eyes "Mommy! There's someone at the door" May yelled. Penny tilted her head slightly and heard voice whispering outside the front door 

"We need to get her now" 

"What if she doesn't want to come with?"

"She will" 

"James you can't force her to come with us" 

Everyone turned to James, Sirius and Remus, some confused but most understand why they were there, or why James was there. May tightened her hold on her niece and glared at James who flinched at the heated look in her eyes as Sirius and Remus looked at each other with a sigh, looks like their future selves don't know what James and Lily did

Penny eyes harden hearing that name "Stephen take the girls to their room, make sure they don't listen in" Stephen only nodded, knowing his wife could handle herself and quickly got the girls to their bedroom 

Penny made her way to the door, "Can I help you 5?" She asked after opening the door to see 3 older men, one older woman and one young man who looks to be the same age as her. Or as she knows them as her deadbeat parents and twin, though she doesn't know the two other men with them 

"Are you-" 

"Rose" Lily looked her daughter up and down and though she tries to hid it, Penny can see the jealously in her eyes

Nobody is surprised that Lily is jealous of Penny. Penny looked amazing on screen, she was still 5'6, but her kids gave her more shape in her hips and her cup size went up, her red hair feel to her shoulders in waves and her eyes seemed to have gotten lighter almost hazel. Even now sitting in the hall, they can see Penny is beautiful from her long red hair, and her brown eyes and though she doesn't have the same curves as her older self does, she still has them 

"It's Penelope. Penelope Strange" Penny told them narrowing her eyes at them as her bio-mom, dad and twin look at the ring on her finger before they could say anything Penny continued "Again. Can I help you 5?" 

"Yes" Remus stepped up before his friends could ruin things "We were wondering if we can speak with you?" Penny looked at Remus and Sirius for a moment, before opening the door wider "Come in" 

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