Hold on a little longer

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing

[voice over]

Blending in with a photo (Like see through)


The hall was silent after the memoire ended "Pen-" 

"I don't want to talk about it" Pen cut Rhodey off, making him sigh. Pen family shared looks but didn't say anything, Tony knew well not to push Pen unless he wants her to blow up, when she doesn't want to talk about something you can't force her too. "Alright, next memoire" May said with a sigh

The screen turned back on

May and Penny were outside in the backyard of their apartment planting flowers. It's been a few months since her uncle Ben death and she's been doing anything and everything to not remember it 

May sighed, she remembered when Penny would stay up long hours because every time she went to sleep she would have nightmares of her uncle dying in her arms. She hated how Penny felt like she couldn't go to her because Pen thought May blamed her for what happened, she could never blame her for what happened that night. It was all just bad luck 

"Did you seem the news Pen" May turned to her niece, Penny shook her head, patting down the dirt "The people are throwing a parade for Spider-Woman" Penny hummed looking at her aunt, "Yeah, Ned told me about it" 

"You don't so happy about it" May took of her gloves and made her way to her niece "It's just a parade" Penny shrugged taking off her own glasses "Come on" May nudges her shoulder "Everybody loves a hero" 

[People line up for her] Penny stands on top of a building with her mask off watching the parade [Cheer them. Scream their names] The camera pans to people holding up 'I love you Spider-Woman' signs [And years later they'll tell ] Penny smiled down at them [How they stood in the rain for hours] It shows Penny and May again "Just to get a glimpse of the one who taught them to hold on a second longer" May rested her hands on Penny cheeks as the young girl smiles softly 

Penny family along with Bruce, Thor, Natasha and Clint couldn't help but agree. They've seen footage of people cheering for Spider-Woman, they've seen how a little girl held out when her life was in danger because she knew Spider-Woman was going to save her. Without knowing how or when, Penny, Spider-Woman became a hero. A bigger one than even them. 

17 year old Penny walks away from her aunt grave as happy watches [I will never forget these words] Penny voice traveled through as it shows May in her niece arms a few minutes before she died [With great power. Comes great responsibility] Penny and May voice blended together 

Penny smiled hearing that again. From the other version of herself she knew that they also heard that statement but the difference is, they heard it from Uncle Ben. She heard it from Aunt May, and none of them will ever forget that. Ever

Penny continues to walk away from the grave [This is my gift. My curse] Penny stands in front of flash, fist clench tightly that her pen breaks the skin making her bleed. Flash looked at her hand in shock before backing away [Who am I?] 

Penny climbing a wall

A drawing of her suit 

Spider-Woman standing in full gear ready to fight 

Penny looking down at her hand breathing heavily 

[I'm Spider-Woman] 

"Yes you are!" Ginny yelled cheering making Penny laugh as the younger years join in. The older years and the teachers smiled at the kids getting along for once without fighting as The Potters look at Penny with glares 

Red and blue is show before it pans out to show the Spider-Woman logo on her suit 

Spider-Woman holds a boat that split in half down the middle, together with her webs as she screams in pain 

Tony flinched at the scene knowing it was just after that, that he took away her suit which left her defenseless which lead to her getting hurt. He still felt guilty for that and no amount of reinsurance from Penny that it wasn't his fault will fix that

Penny runs down the school hallway, in a short red dress

Penny looks at Flash with a deadpan look 

Spider-Woman catches a metal arm that was about to hit Iron Man

Penny sits on her bed alone looking a photo of May 

Penny walks down a dark alley 

Penny takes off her glasses and drops them to the floor blinking 

Spider-Woman swings through the city 

Spider-Woman jumps over a plane and smashes through a window 

Spider-Woman using her webs to save Liz as the elevator falls 

Penny swings into the battle field, before her mask is gone 

Spider-Woman and Iron Man flighting together 

Penny and Stephen dancing together in the rain 

Penny and Stephen smiled remembering that, it was before Thanos came, they were on their first date, where he took her to a nice restaurant and then they got ice cream before it started rain and Penny pulled him into the rain and danced with him 

Penny gets thrown out the window by the green goblin 

Penny is trapped under rubble her eyes glowing pink 

Spider-Woman standing on top of the statue of Liberty 

Penny in normal clothes climbed up a wall with a smile on her face 

Penny holding an umbrella watching May casket get lowered into the ground

Penny walking down a street before people start running. Spider-Woman swings into the fight   

The students cheered loudly as May and Penny smile at each other "I know to you that talk was just a talk" Penny whispered to her aunt "But to me... That talk was what got me going again" May smiled with tears in her eyes before bringing her niece into a tight hug 

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