Saving Morgan

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Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing

[voice over]

Blending in with a photo (Like see through)


"Alright, this is the video from the future, then we're done for the day" The voice came back making some jump while others leaned back ready to watch the new video "Wonder what this one is about" Ned muttered sharing some popcorn with MJ "I think this one would be a good one" MJ told him 

The camera panned to a farm house 

"So where back with Daniel and Enid" Penny muttered, wondering what could be shown 

Penny and Stephen laid together in bed, Stephen was reading as Penny was going over new porotypes for the Stark phone, since Pepper wanted to merge Penny new company with SI for this project, hopefully it will help Penny company become more known 

Pepper and Penny smiled at each other, Penny knew Pepper would have her back and wouldn't allow her to go into business without someone behind her to help her when she falls. Yes Penny has Stephen but Pepper has been in this business for a lot longer than any of them before 

It was quiet in their room, each of them just enjoying the other presence when someone knocked on their door "Come in" Stephen called not looking up from his book. Enid popped her head in and smiled at the relax scene in front of her "Hey guys" The two looked up at her "Hey Enid" Penny smiled closing her books and setting them on the bedside table as Stephen did the same with his book 

"The others want to go out and check out the horses we have. Do you two want to join?" Penny immediately nodded she missed riding, feeling the wind through her hair, it's the best feeling to feel. Stephen laughed seeing his girlfriend nodding like a bobble head "Yeah, we'll be down there soon" 

"Good" Enid smiled before shutting the door 

Penny smiled cuddling into Stephen "Maybe this one would actually be a good one" She muttered, making Stephen nod in agreement, it doesn't look to bad so far, they're only going out to ride 

Soon everyone was outside. Penny, who was wearing light washed jeans, a tank top and her riding boots Enid got her was beside Midnight waiting for Daniel who was going to help her get Midnight tacked up and ready to ride "Alright, here we go" Daniel walked up with the pad and saddle 

"Penny! Penny look" The two looked to see Morgan wearing protective gear on one of the horses, strapped in tightly so she wouldn't fall off with Pepper, Enid and MJ around her in case something happens "Good job Morg!" Penny smiled

Tony and Pepper smiled "They get along great" Tony whispered with a large smile, he was so glad both his daughters got along with each other. Morgan might by his daughter by blood, but Penny was and will always be his first daughter, blood or not. 

"They do" Pepper agreed feeling the same way Tony does about Penny. She's their daughter, even if she shares the same blood as someone else, they will always see her as their daughter and nothing will change that 

Stephen, Happy and Ned all stood back watching the girls with smiles. Penny smiled and turned back to Daniel. The two got the pad and saddle strapped on along with the harness  "Hey boy" Penny rubbed Midnight nose making Midnight sigh "Heard you haven't let anyone ride you since I've been gone. Want to change that?" Midnight nudges Penny to the side making her laugh 

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