Chapter 6

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Sarada was angry at how the last 2 weeks have been going; first was the fact that they got ambushed by 2 rogue mist ninjas while defending their client. They handled the 2 just fine with only Naruto getting a cut on his hand that was able to be healed by Hinata. The part that really got the shit storm started was when the mist ninja Zabuza ambushed them as soon as they arrived in wave country; Sarada out of all her studying the past of her father she never knew that he was ambushed by a A-class missing ninja. Once again, the team was able to win by the skin of their teeth; Yugao using her kenjutsu matched Zabuza, Hinata using her Byakugan tracked him in his hidden mist technique, Naruto chipped away at him with his almost unlimited chakra and Sarada was able to find her moment and trap him in a genjutsu.

Before anyone could deliver the final blow 2 senbon pierced his neck and 'killed him'; as the masked hunter nin made himself known he took away the body before Yugao realized that they had been tricked. Which now brings her to her latest predicament; Sarada was currently in the middle of a dome of ice mirrors made by the imposter hunter ninja.

"Goddammit" Sarada said as she pulled some senbon out of her arm as she looked at a mirror reflecting the image of the masked boy.

"You should give up already" Haku said as he looked at the glasses wearing kunoichi "I don't want to kill you" he said as the girl looked at him with a glare.

"You know what" Sarada said looking at the boy with anger and frustration in her eyes as they turned red with a black figure 8 in the center "fuck it" she yelled as a wave of chakra exploded from her. Haku was taken aback until he saw a light red ribcage made of chakra surround Sarada as well as a right arm form. 'I have to use this sparingly' Sarada thought as her eyes began to bleed 'I'll have to make this quick' she said as she began to smash the mirrors one by one.

Haku was going from mirror to mirror as he tried to avoid the attacks ' who is this girl' he thought as he bound to another mirror just as the one he was occupying was destroyed.

With Naruto

Naruto who just arrived from the bridge after saving the bridgebuilders daughter and grandson was standing next to his sensei Yugao as they both looked at Sarada summon her partial Susanoo. As they both looked at the chakra that was emanating, they then looked at each other.

"I think Sarada will be fine for right now" Naruto said as Yugao nodded in agreement as she knew that if Sarada was using her trump card she was assured to win.

"Then may I please get your assistance in defeating him" Yugao said as she pointed at Zabuza who was still looking at where his apprentice and that black haired girl were fighting.

'Haku. Looks like you got more than you can handle' Zabuza thought as he looked at Yugao and Naruto 'I better finish this so I can help you' he thought as he charged at Yugao swinging his executioners blade at her.

Yugao ducked under the large blade only to be kicked away by Zabuza; Zabuza was then rushed by Naruto who slashed at him with a kunai. Zabuza was cut across this abdomen as he cursed; Naruto was to slow to dodge the counter attack from Zabuza as he was slashed across the stomach.

Naruto was then kicked into a railing as he sat up only to realize that his guts were on the outside; he then heard 2 yells as he saw both Yugao and Hinata who was defending Tazuna scream in horror. As Hinata rushed to Naruto with Tazuna in tow he wasn't able to distinguish what she was saying. Naruto with only a moment of clarity heard one sentence from Hinata.

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