Chapter 9

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Naruto and Moro were in a field training once again; it was 5 days until the chunin exams start and Naruto decided to do some last minute training before the fateful day comes. Moro charged at Naruto and began to perform a fang over fang as she barreled towards Naruto at great speed; Naruto seeing the grey cyclone of claws approaching him shifted his stance as he prepared himself. Once Moro was a few feet in front of him he jumped up and formed a lightly powered rasengan in his left hand; timing it just right he hit the 1 o'clock position of the attack effectively slowing it down just enough to grab onto Moro's out stretched hand.

Naruto doing a flip swung the girl around and slammed her into the ground; pinning her arm behind her back he put a kunai to her neck. Naruto then removed the kunai, released her arm stood up and with his trademark foxy grin spoke "I win" he said.

Moro pushing up did a flip and landed perfectly on her feet which made Naruto's eyebrow twitch; every single time he won she did some kind of crazy acrobatic move just to show off. She knew it bothered Naruto as when ever he tried to do it he failed in a hilarious fashion.

"You're defiantly ready to kick Kiba's ass" she said smirking arrogantly " but if I was able to use any of my own personal techniques you would've gotten your ass kicked 10 times over" she said as Naruto huffed.

"You keep saying that" Naruto complained "when am I ever going to see these 'personal techniques' you keep bragging but never do them" he said pouting like a child at the end. Moro giggled at his childishness; she then moved forward and kissed him, upon breaking the kiss she stepped back and held a finger to her lips.

"A lady has to keep some of her secrets" she said as Naruto chuckled.

"Since when are you a lady" he said; which earned him a kick to the ass from a blushing Moro. Sure she may not be as sexy as Tsubaki or as refined as Hinata or Yakumo but she was still a girl.

"Shut up blondie" she said huffing "once we are done with this mission I'll fight you with all I got and you'll see I'm the top bitch around here" she said as Naruto sweat dropped at how Moro keeps on saying she's the 'top bitch' like it was something normal.

Moro then moved over to a log laying on the ground and sat on it with Naruto following shortly afterwards "so how has your other training been; you been making any progress" she asked. Naruto nodded as he took out a bottle of water and offered it to Moro.

"Yeah over the past few months you and the rest of the girls have been really helping me" Naruto said as he thought back on all he has learned. Sarada, Moro and Tsubaki have been helping him the most for his training; Sarada has been helping him out with his ninjutsu she helped him by teaching him how to combine his rasengan with wind chakra to make it more powerful, her book worm habits really helped out.

Moro and Tsubaki have been helping out by helping Naruto brush up on his taijutsu; Moro taught him offensive fighting techniques while also being able to counter Inuzuka clan techniques like the fang over fang and also how to combat the Inuzuka's heightened sense of smell. Tsubaki taught him defensive fighting like how to block, grapple and throw your opponents; her hitting hard enough to break through trees made the training more effective as Naruto tried to avoid getting his arms and face broken by the busty blonde girl.

"How have you and Hinata been getting along" Naruto asked "have you 2 been bonding?"

Moro put down the water bottle and looked up at the sky "we have been getting along fine" she said "the more I spend time with her the more I realize how alike we are; we both love cinnamon rolls, we both like flowers and we both want to change who we are" she said. Moro then began to clench her fists "but the more I spend time with her the more I grow to hate Kiba" she said as her features began to grow mere feral "I hate him Naruto; I hate him for taking my mom away from me, I hate him for being my father and I hate… hate" she began until she started to hypervalent.

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