Chapter 26

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With Naruto, Sarada and Lee

Kimimaro slashed with his bone sword dispelling another Naruto clone; as he repositioned, he blocked a kick from Lee. Lee then followed up by a second kick that nailed Kimimaro in the ribs; Lee then saw in horror that his leg was caught by Kimimaro's ribs as they came out of his body.

"How disturbing" Lee said before he kicked off Kimimaro and landed a few feet away; Kimimaru was about to pursue him but ended up jumping to the side as a fireball landed right where he was at.

"Damn it" Sarada cursed 'if Lee wasn't here, I'd use my Susanno; this is more difficult than I thought it would be' she thought.

"Keep up the pressure Sarada" Naruto said as he and a few clones charged Kimimaro before being repulsed back by his attacks "we got to get that coffin" he said and Sarada nodded as she looked at the coffin. The coffin was now heavily smoking.

'Oh no' Sarada thought; just then the coffin exploded and the area was covered in smoke. Sasuke stood there the final form of his cursemark receding.

"Sasuke Uchiha" Kimimaro said "I am here to take you to Lord Orochimaru; please head north and pass the border into the land of Rice. And keep walking until you are greeted by an Oto squad" he said.

Sasuke saying nothing began to run North; Sarada cursed 'shit I was hoping to kill him before the transformation was complete; looks like we will need to fight him now' Sarada thought.

"Naruto, Sarada" Lee spoke up "chase after Sasuke; I'll entertain our guest" he said as he charged at Kimimaro engaging him once again.

"C'mon Sarada" Naruto said as he and Sarada began to chase after Sasuke.

With Ino

Ino was clashing blades with Raiga; she may have been trained by Ichigo but Raiga was proving to be too much of a challenge for her.

'I can't give up; they are counting on me' Ino thought as she slashed at Raiga before dodging a lightning bolt.

"You are quite skilled Blondie" Raiga said "but sadly you have no chance of beating me" he said before launching several more lightning bolts at Ino.

Ino dodged and rolled; she took out several Kunai and threw them at Raiga who blocked them with his sword. Ino then got into a low stance and charged up her feet.

In a burst of speed Ino charged at Raiga 'Tusks of the Boar' Ino said doing her personal technique; Ino thrusted at Raiga who got stabbed on his side. Raiga winced in pain and retaliated by slashing Ino along her back.

Ino felt both the pain of the slash and the electricity from the blade course through her body; Ino jumped away and panted trying to block out the pain.

"Hehe you got a hit one me" Raiga said looking at his wound "too bad for you it'll probably be your last" he said as he charged at Ino with both his swords shrouded in lightning.

Ino got up and got into a defensive stance 'being it on' Ino thought as she charged back in to re-engage with Raiga.

With Yakumo, Karin and Tayuya

"Goddamn it" Tayuya cursed as one of her summons was destroyed by a crystal pilar.

"Tayuya be careful" Karin said as she used one of her chakra chains to attack Guren; Guren used a crystal to block the attack and retaliated by sending several crystal kunai at Karin.

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