Family Problems

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" Hey, Theo just a reminder that we're going to leave at 6:15 for my family's dinner." I remind my husband.

He looks at me and sighs deeply, I know he doesn't want to go and that he's only going for me. Let's just say my family isn't too fond of Theo. Okay well, they don't like him and may not know that he's my husband.

It's not for reasons like Theo is rude disrespectful or unlikable. It's simply just because he is a white man.

My family has always focused on black love and being with your "own kind."

And that's fine there's nothing wrong with black love but I just didn't fall in love with the black man. But my family isn't going to see that I love Theo and he loves me. they are just going to focus on the color of his skin.

I know this issue it's starting to bother Theodore but I just don't know how to come clean to my family. But I know I will have to because I can't keep the secret anymore. I also can't keep putting all this weight on my husband to just act like he's fine when he's not because I don't have to act that way around his family.

Later on in the evening, our car pulls up into my parents' driveway.

I turned to Theo and put my hands on his cheeks. I give him a light smile and tell him not to worry. He only nods and I can tell my words keep him some sort of peace.

We asked the car and walked into the house the first person we saw was my dad. he walks up to me and gives me a big hug but then he looks at Theodore and says " Tia why do you keep bringing this white man around us?"

I can see that what my dad said slightly annoyed Theo but he kept quiet.

I looked at my dad and said " His name is Theodore, not this white man."

My dad blows me off and mumbles under his breath walking away I don't care what his name is I don't want him in my house.

I take a deep breath and walk towards the kitchen where I know my mother and sisters are. once my mom notices me she yells and jogs over to give me the tightest hug ever.

"Hi Mom"

"Tia my baby how are you?"

" I'm doing fine Mom how are you?"

" I'm doing well just happy to be alive. Oh, I see you but Thomas with you again."

Once my mom purposely mistakes Theodore's name I hear my sisters Trinity and Thea snicker in the corner near the sink.

While my mom has a smirk on her face I just look at them and roll my eyes. it amazes me how rude and disrespectful they can be every time.

Still being the respectful individual that he is he greets them pleasantly and goes to sit at the dining room table.

I look at my mom and my sisters shaking my head and say " Why do you guys have to treat him so badly every time he comes here? he hasn't done anything to any of you but be respectful and kind and yet you guys act like you don't even know his name."

My sister Trinity is the first one to speak " Honestly Tia we don't even know why you bring him here. We have told you that we don't like people of his skin tone." My sister and mom just suddenly agreed with her.

Once it's time to eat my mom calls my father, brothers, and brothers-in-law to the table.

Thea's husband Dre says hi to Theodore and gives him a bro hug. He's the only one in this family who treats Theo like a person.

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