Chapter 50

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Getting Bianca out to the car was an experience, especially when she started having another contraction while she was walking down the stairs, but they got there in the end. As Cooper helped her struggle into the car, he was quietly glad that he'd never have to experience pregnancy. It seemed extremely inconvenient and more than a little scary.

Cooper sat in the back with Bianca while Mason drove.

"So," Mason said once they were out onto the road, "I think we should establish now that if there comes a point that someone has to look at your vagina on the way to the hospital, it should be Cooper. He's more experienced with these things."

"With what things?" Cooper asked.


"I've seen exactly one of those in person. Now, penises I could do. I've seen a few of those."

"One vagina is more than I've ever seen."

"I'm sure you've seen porn," Cooper said. "Even if you didn't choose to see porn, it's hard to completely avoid."

"I've seen some, but I doubt porn vaginas represent the true diversity of real vaginas," Mason said. "Like, how am I supposed to know if there's actually something happening or if it's just a little flappier than the porn vaginas or something? I watched some birth videos, but they blurred everything, so it wasn't very helpful."

"Oh God, this is the worst conversation I've ever been witness too," Bianca said. It was hard to say whether the expression on her face was due to physical or mental discomfort. "I'm fine. Nobody needs to look at my vagina."

"Well, someone's got to, but hopefully it'll be a doctor at the hospital," Mason said.

"They'll do a lot more than look, but I'm absolutely fine with that as long as it's a medical profession and not either of my brothers-in-law."

"I bet I could do a good job," Cooper mused. "I know what a normal cervix feels like. Though maybe just being pregnant changes what's normal, so that might not help me."

Bianca shut her eyes and massaged her forehead.. "The hospital is only ten minutes away. This baby's not going anywhere until we get there."

"I saw a video once of a lady giving birth just standing up on her way into the hospital," Mason said. "Hey Coop, which one of us do you think would be better at catching a slippery newborn?"

"Uhh..." Cooper said.

Bianca groaned.

They made it to the hospital without incident, though Cooper did get a little spooked when Bianca started having another contraction on the way inside. While Bianca and Mason went up to the front desk, Cooper investigated the wheelchairs and picked out the best one.

"They're sending us to Labour and Delivery," Mason said when they reconvened.

"Okay," Cooper said as he made eye contact with Bianca and held a hand out to indicate the wheelchair.

Bianca looked very much like she was going to refuse, but then she made a pained face as she clutched at her stomach, let out a sigh, and sat down in the wheelchair. She just looked tired and resigned as Cooper started pushing her towards the elevators.

Once they got to Labour and Delivery, Bianca was given a bunch of paperwork to fill out, which was exactly what she was in the mood for while actively in labour. She looked like the only reason she wasn't crying was that she didn't want to waste any energy on it.

Cooper wished he could help her, but a glance at the sheet of paper in front of her told him that would be useless. It was things like her personal details and medical history, and he really didn't know much about that.

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