Clock Strikes Midnight

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This morning I was dragged straight to the cafeteria by Orenji, and he ended up cooking me scrambled eggs. I played around with it, thinking about the day I had yesterday.
Who was the person who shot Tiru? How can my mind make up people I haven't seen before?
It was a feminine person with a mullet made of fire. A person I think I'd remember seeing. Well, then again, I do have a memory problem.
Bloody hell. What a mess.

I was then bumped in the arm by Tiru.

Tiru- "Oi, Galah, what yous doing?"

"I was just pondering."

Tiru- "About?"

I smiled and then rubbed his head.

"No wucka's, it was nothing much. Just spacing out."

Tiru- "Uhuh."

Tiru then turned to face the man who was staring at us from across our table.

Tiru- "Oi! You! Piss off!"

I looked over to the man who was staring. He had a beige Mohawk and piercings all over his face.
He was eating cornflakes while listening to music on his headphones. He raised an eyebrow at Tiru's yellin' and then raised his headphones off his head.

???- "What?"

Tiru was frustrated at this point, I can't understand why it was getting him so worked up.

"Ya dozing off?"

???- "Yeah."

He then put back on his headphones and stared at his food instead.
You know, for an interesting-looking guy, he wasn't much of a talker. I wonder what he's listening to.
So I tapped on the table and that surely got his attention. He took them off this time and gazed at me for a response.

"Say, what yous listening to?"

???- "Limp Bizkit, break stuff."

"I've heard of them, yous into nu-metal?"

???- "Yeah."

"Dardy! I'm more into alternative music myself."

???- "Dardy?"

"Ah, I forgot. I'm an Aussie, that's slang for cool."

???- "I see."

He wasn't adding much to the conversation at this point. I then saw Murasaki walk up to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Oi, Murasaki! Ya know this guy?"

Murasaki- "Yeah, his name is Tan. He's not much of a talker."

Tan- "Shocking."

Murasaki- "Leave it out."

That's when Aca appeared out of nowhere to put her arms around Murasaki. Murasaki's face lit up.

Aca- "Aye yai yai, ¿A qué se debe todo este ruido? (What is all this noise about?)."

Murasaki- "This is very unprofessional, Aca."

Aca laughed as she let go of Murasaki.

Tan- "Unprofessional?"

Murasaki- "Leave it, eejit."

"G'day, Miss, Aca."

Aca- "Hola, señor. Tú eres mirando bueno hoy. (Hello, sir. You are looking good today)."


Aca giggled and then put her finger to her lips, telling me to be quiet. Murasaki rolled her eyes and then grabbed Tan's arm.

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