Stay Together

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The Captain read it and then shook his head, sending it back out with Aca.
Behind us was Pinku throwing up and the others freaking out. Shira and Ki tried to assess the situation but Midori decided to head off on his own instead. Shira stopped him in the middle of his tracks, however.

Shira- "I understand the severity of this situation but we must stick together."

Midori-" You're on your own Cailín, how do we know you weren't a cúlpháirtí?"

Burraku- "Excuse me?"

The two faced head to head to which Shira and Fortegurin responded by pushing them away from each other.

Fortegurin-" Excuse me, bang on, It would be moronic to-"

Midori- "You can't trust a word anyone says Fortegurin!"

Fortegurin- "Why would the serial killer want us grouped?"

Midori- "To kill us all at once?! Why else?"

Ramiu- "Then leg it if you don't trust us, I want to live, boyo."

Midori- "Fine, I will."

Fortegurin- "Wait, Midori, stop acting the maggot!"

Midori had already left at this time which caused Fortegurin to chase after him. Raimu followed closely behind Fortegurin as other groups started to split up on their own. That was until the lights started to flash again as the air got heavy. We could barely hear anything over the loud sirens.

Captain- "God damn it, someone sabotaged the air vents! Everyone, don't panic!"

Gōda- "Don't panic?! Are you insane?! How is our oxygen depleting not a time to panic?!"

Tiru- "It'll decrease the amount of air we all can have. So for everyone's sake, slow down your breathing!"

Captain-"I'm going to go and fix it! Everyone remain calm and stay here!"

I was looking around in the fog and if it wasn't for Tiru and Orenji holding onto me, we would've lost each other by now. Where the bloody hell is everyone?!

Azuki-iro- "Fuck this! I'm not getting killed in this fog!"

"Wait! Captain said we need to stay here-!"

Azuki-iro- "So he can come around and kill us?! You can't trust anyone in this situation."

I heard footsteps disappear into the fog as I realized we were the only ones left in this room.

Orenji- "Is it the best Idea to stay in here?"

"We should listen to the Captain-"

Orenji- "You mean the one that let two deaths already occur under his nose? Doesn't he have cameras he could've checked instead of throwing out innocent women?!"

"It didn't look like there were any cameras around here."

Tiru- "You're not very observant, Nokon, so I don't know how valuable that information is."

"Oi! What the bloody hell, mate?! I'm very observant."

Orenji- "I'm going to have to side with Tiru on this one, sorry hun."

"Fuck me dead. Dead set?"

Orenji sighed and then dragged us out into the hallway. The hallway was a bit brighter than the room but still hard to see around. The air was much better, however. There we bumped into another group. It was the twins and Ramiu.
Fortegurin waved as Midori and Ramiu continued their chat.

Ramiu- "You made the right bags of that situation, boyo!"

Midori- "You'll learn quickly that we can't trust anyone in this damn shit except each other."

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