Chapter 9

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The trio had returned safely to the mansion. 

The moment Joy had walked through those big doors, she was met with the sound of babbling and laughter. Joy trailed the sound to the living room where Alec and Milana were. Alec, still bandaged up, was sitting on the floor with Milana crawling around him and occasionally, climbing over his legs. 

"What do we have here?"

 She kneels down beside him with a playful grin on her face. "I missed her and decided to spend some time with her," he smiles. Joy's smile soon disappeared as she turned to look at Alec more fully, "How are you feeling?" Alec softly patted his side, "Better than I used to be." "I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad." 

Before Alec could speak Vito entered the room. A flash of hate crossed his eyes as they met Alec's. Alec could feel the tension rise in the room between him and Vito. Joy peered over her shoulder at the man but didn't reach out to touch him. His eyes were on Alec as his jaw tightened and his fists clenched as he glared at the injured man beneath him. Vito's heart rate began to climb as he saw Joy's hand on his arm and Milana crawling carelessly across legs.

 "I see that you are.....well." His words were like poison and held not one ounce of compassion.

 "Yeah.....I am." Vito slowly nodded as he placed his hands in his pockets. "That's great," he nearly growled out. Vito's eyes darted to his daughter and leaned down to scoop her up. Before leaving, Vito peered at them one last time then left with Milana in his arms. 

Alec scoffed, leaning back against the foot of the couch. 

"As if I'm not already being watched 24/7. He's gonna kill me," Alec says. "Alec." "Face it, Joy. One day sooner or later, he's gonna kill me. It's just a matter of the question, quick or slow?"

 Joy snatched his face and forced him to gaze into her eyes. "No one is gonna die. Not you, not me and definitely not my child. I promise you that you're gonna get out of here," Joy says, "I swear it." Alec nods in response. 

Joy plants a brief kiss on his lips. "Good."

“Are you gonna just ignore me the rest of the time or are you gonna talk to me?” Joy continues to tend to one of many of his wounds, not daring to even offer Vito a glance.

Vito sighs in frustration before speaking, “What did you expect me to do? Just sit there and take his disrespect?” Joy continued to ignore the older man. “Goddamn it! Talk to me!” Vito yells, slamming his fist down on the table beside him.

“First of all, watch your tone when you talk to me. Second, he didn’t even disrespect you, all he did was glance over at me,” Joy tells him. “I don’t like how he was looking at you.” “He just glanced at me for a split second.” Vito groans, rolling his eyes. “Though what you did was completely unnecessary, I do have to admit, jealousy is very sexy on you,” she purrs.

Vito hums in delight as he smirks at her, “And here I thought you were truly upset with me.” Vito lifted her face so she was looking at him, his thumb slowly ran across her bottom lip, slightly parting them. “Who’s to say that I’m not?” Leaning forward, Vito whispers seductively, “The look that you’re giving me is telling me differently.” Their lips were merely centimeters away. Vito turns her head to the side.

“Let me make it up to you.”

“It’s sad if you ask me,” Angelo says with his back turned towards the group behind him as he poured himself a drink of whiskey.

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