Chapter 13

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Everyone was on edge with good reason. With an unhinged Joy and an angry Vito didn't make anything less tense. Joy watched with intensity as the goon was repeatedly punched until he was nearly unrecognizable.

 "You were willing to talk before, why go silent now?" Angelo questioned. The goon groaned, "It doesn't matter if I talk or not, you're gonna kill me anyway." Joy leaned down close to his face, "We're in no rush. Either talk and all the pain goes away or he'll make it unbearable to the point you'll wish death to come." 

Weakly, he scoffed. "You don't scare me lady. Your daughter's whereabouts are in my hands so play nice and I'll gladly tell you." 

Joy stared into his eyes. 

"Big talk for someone who is in really no position to make demands," she says, standing up to her full height. She along with Vito and Angelo watched the goon smirk. "Unfortunately for you, you're the type to underestimate a person because of their looks. Now you could either talk and it be a quick death or sit there quietly and let the boys have some fun. Your call." The smirk soon vanished off of the goon's face as his eyes stared up into hers. "Do. Your. Worse." Joy was silent as she stood up, towering over him. "Fine then," she says before turning to face Angelo, "Make him talk." Angelo nods at her. Joy left without another word, grunts could be heard behind her. Vito sat at his desk, eyes trained in front of him as his mind grew blank. Alec sat in one of the chairs in the corner. 

"What's on your mind, man?" Alec asks. Vito blinked, coming back from his trance. He momentarily glanced at Alec before cutting his eyes and sighing, not uttering a single word. Alec huffed and leaned back in his chair, "Fine then. Sorry for asking." Vito glared at him shortly before responding, "I'm just tryna figure out how? How someone was even able to get in and out with Milana and not be detected." Alec turned his attention back to the older man. "It couldn't be just one person in on this, it's a whole bunch but who is the question." Vito leaned back in his seat, gazing up at the ceiling, more thoughts filling his mind along with more questions. 

"Obviously, whoever this guy is, made them a deal they couldn't refuse if they got their hands on her," Alec says, "Don't you have cameras wired in and out of this place?" "I checked them multiple times and still I can't identify anything." "Whoever this person is, is a very strategic one." "And a dead one," Vito adds. Alec nervously chewed his bottom lip as he hung his head for a moment before gazing back up into the man's cold eyes. His icy stare made the man shiver slightly but still, he refused to back down. 

His eyes were of a killer not of a man, a heartless monster that many met their ends to but yet, Alec still kept his eyes glaring back into the pits of hell. Neither man looked away, in a way, they were having their own silent conversation that only they could understand. A knock erupted from the door. Without breaking contact, Vito gave them permission to enter. A very irritated and determined Joy, entered his office with an unreadable expression on her face though her mind raced. 

"Snap out of it." Joy says walking in between them.

 Both Vito and Alec turned their attention to the woman, watching her take a seat on one of the chairs in the room. "He didn't talk but Angelo and Jay are working on that now," Joy replies to Vito's silent question. Alec sighs leaning back in his chair, arm resting on the top of his hair while Vito, once again, goes into a trance. Joy plays with her hands. "What are we gonna do until then?" Alec questions. Vito gave him a pointed look before closing his eyes and shaking his head. "We wait for the bastard to talk first, then we make a move," he replied tersely. Joy's eye twitched as she began to rock slowly consumed by anxiousness. A storm brewed inside her with every passing second. Shaky but threatening, Joy inquires, "So you telling me, that we wait for that prick to talk, which could be days, before we do anything to get Milana back?" 

"Yes," Vito clarifies, "That's what I'm saying." 

Joy nods slowly. She was a bomb, ticking down to its final second. And then, she exploded. With a sudden burst of rage, Joy slammed her hands against the desk, starling Alec. "My daughter is god knows where, and you're just gonna sit there and depend on some man to talk? Are you fucking kidding me?!" Joy yells. "It's the only thing we can do," Vito replies. Joy scoffs, her disbelief evident as she walks away, cursing and muttering to herself. "What the hell do you want me to do? We need to make sure that we don't have any more problems," Vito tells her, rising to his feet. 

"Problems? Look, if you love that little girl like you claim you do then be a father but if you-"

 "Milana is my daughter just as much she is yours. You think I'm not anxious to get her back?"

 "Oh? Are you really? Don't seem like it," Joy retorts. 

"Damn it, Joy!" Vito shouts. The ex couple locked eyes, each holding a storm of emotions within their gaze. Unspoken hung heavy in the air between them, suffused with a mixture of longing, pain, and unresolved feelings that lingered. Alec stepped into both of their views, hands raised. "Just calm down," Alec urged, placing a hand on Joy's shoulder, "We'll get her back." Joy scoffed, her frustration palpable. 

"Do it then." Without another word, Joy stormed out of his office, leaving Alec and Vito alone. Vito slumped back down in his chair, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. Alec wanted to say something, but he decided against it. "I'm gonna get her back, you know that, right?" Alec nods. "I do but she doesn't. What are you gonna do?" Alec asks. "All I can do is wait before I make my next move," Vito responds.

(Time skip)

Night fell, a cold breeze journeying through the mansion. Joy closed the door behind her, a small sigh escaping her lips. Her feet dragged along the rug, her mind was strained with worry. The goon still hadn't uttered a word, and Milana was still missing. Joy's patience was becoming thinner and thinner with every second passing by. 

She made her way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, she reached in and grabbed a bottle of water, taking a small sip. Not looking where she was going, she bumped into a muscular chest. Peering up at Vito, she found him returning glaring down at her. Old feelings of anger resurfaced within them both. Joy felt her heartbeats begin to speed up the more she stared into his eyes. Her fists clenched, veins popping out of her hand. It happened in a flash, Joy lunged forward, grabbing him by the back of his head, connecting their lips, passionate kiss. Vito's body pressed against hers, the heat of their embrace searing through them both as he pinned her against the kitchen counter.

 Their kiss deepened, becoming increasingly spicy as their hands roamed eagerly, exploring each other's bodies with an urgent desire. His arms wrapped underneath her legs, lifting her onto the counter. Vito's lips left hers, lowering to her neck, showering the sensitive skin with gentle kisses. Each touch sent shivers down the woman's spine as she melted into his embrace, lost in the insatiable sensation. Soft moans escaped her lips. Without another word, Vito lifted her effortlessly, carrying her to his room. His foot closed the door. Gently, Vito laid her on the soft mattress, his lips never leaving her neck. 

Her legs wrapped around his waist as her hands gripped at his shirt. Their eyes locked onto each other, Vito silently asked for permission. Joy agrees with a simple bite of her lip. In a primal surge of desire, Vito unleashed his raw lust, tearing off both of their clothes with the urgency of a feral wolf, consumed by the heat of the moment. Their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace, the world soon ceasing to exist. Every touch, every caress, Joy and Vito surrounded the primal rhythm of their desire. The air crackled with electricity, charged with the intensity of their connection. Each whispered moans, hitched breaths, they drove deeper into the depths of their own ecstasy. 

With a final, desperate surge of desire, Vito and Joy surrendered themselves to the addictive pull of their passion, their bodies merging together of pleasure, leaving them breathless and spent. Laying together in the aftermath, their hearts raced with the memory of their recently shared ecstasy. 

This moment would forever be buried deep within them, shared nights before all brought back by one. One night shared together.

Her Ex-husband Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora