Merlin's Father is a Dragonlord

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The scene began in the physician's chambers. Gaius was walking towards a busy looking Merlin. "Merlin, you've never heard the name Balinor?"

"Balinor?" Gaius whispered. He took a glance at Merlin and took a shaky breath.

"No," the wizard shook his head.

"Your mother never mentioned him?"

Merlin frowned. "My mother?"

He raised his eyebrows. "My mother?"

"She took him in," Gaius said.

Merlin stopped what he was doing. "She stood up against Uther?"

"Your mother is a traitor too? I suppose the apple never falls far from the tree. I look forward to adding her to the executioning." Uther stated, matter-of-factly.

"You are not killing my mother," Merlin warned.

"We shall see."

"No we will not, father," Arthur snapped, ignoring the appalled look on Uther's face.


"She was brave," Merlin said proudly.

"Brave?" Uther scoffed. "I see where your priorities are, boy."

'Yes. When Uther discovered where Balinor was, he sent knights to Ealdor to hunt him down. He was forced to flee."

Lancelot frowned in sympathy for the man.

"Why didn't my mother tell me any of this?" Merlin asked, raising his shoulders.

"Merlin, I promised her I would never speak of these things."

"You make a lot of promises don't you, Gaius?" Gwaine noted, intruiged.

"Of what?"

"I've always treated you as my son, but that is not what you are. The man you are going to look for is your... father." Gaius looked nervous.

Merlin in present-time reacted in the exact same way as the Merlin in the orb. It would be humorous if it weren't so serious. He swallowed before speaking; his voice was raspy. "Gaius?"

"It is true, Merlin." Gaius sighed. "I'm sorry-"

Merlin looked back at the orb, his eyes wide.

"I thought your father died?" Gwen whispered.

"So did I..." Merlin breathed deeply.

Merlins face fell. His eyes were frantic as his mouth opened. He took a step back as he fidgetted with his hands. His eyes were glossy. "My father?" His voice cracked.

"I am sorry, Merlin..."

"Please don't-" Merlin shook his head.


"He was a dragonlord?" Merlin looked around before shouting. "Why did no one ever tell me?!"

"A DRAGONLORD!!" Uther roared. "No wonder I banished him! And you, Merlin, you're just as bad!"

"A dragon lord?" Gwen furrowed her eyebrows. "What is that?"

"A person who could talk to dragons and tame them." Gaius explained.

"Dragons?" Morgana exclaimed. "But Merlin can talk to the dragon in the castle! Does that mean-?"

"No." Merlin frowned. "Can't be..."

"I wanted to. Your mother feared it would be too dangerous."

Merlin wiped his eyes furiously. "You should have told me."

"I know..." Gaius replied solemnly. "I wish I didn't make as many promises as I did, back in the day."

"I had a right to know!"

"She wanted to protect you," Gaius said sadly.

"I do not need protecting," Merlin muttered.

Arthur had to force himself not to roll his eyes and say something witty. Instead he gave Merlin a supportive nod.

"No." Merlin shook his head; his voice was barely above a whisper. "I had a right to know."

"Merlin, I-"

"Please, just don't, Gaius."

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