Chapter 41

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There is something so utterly terrifying about darkness. You can't hide from yourself in the dark like you can in the light. Light is filled with distraction. You can go your whole life without a moment of self reflection when you spend the entire time being distracted by other things. 

I worked several jobs for years, forcing myself not to question my choices. I did what I did for Carter. Every article I wrote, every person I followed to get a story, every time I crossed a line, I ignored that small voice that wanted to question. That wanted me to think through things. I refused to reflect. I busied myself with what I HAD to do, convincing myself that there was no room for anything else. 

But looking back on those choices, I knew there had always been some room to question. To reflect. I had just chosen not to. I knew writing articles would hurt people, and I still did it. I knew that there were other ways to make money, but I had stopped looking for those jobs, settling into a routine going from pizza shop, to bar, to article, to a few detective assignments over and over and over, thinking it was the best way to live my life. 

But as Delle had so often reminded me, I could have become a full time detective. I could have walked away from the articles early on when I was no one and the company wouldn't have cared whether I stayed or went. 

I had chosen to write because it was easy. And as I stood backstage, in the dark, waiting for my cue to sing with Luke Walker one final time before I blew things up, I knew that my life could have used a little more self reflection.  

It was hard to deny that, when all you had was darkness and time to kill. 

Closing my eyes, I listened to the people taking their seats, my heart racing wildly. 

"Em?" Delle said close by, in the dark. 

I jumped, nearly falling over. "Jeez Delle! Can you not sneak up on me like that?!?" 

She snorted. "I walked up. YOU had your eyes closed. Not the smartest move when you are trying to catch a bad guy. I recommend you do a better job of keeping your guard up because I'm heading out." 

Delle had her own job to do. Making sure one of the other accomplices didn't get away once things got out. I nodded, swallowing. "Noted." 

She punched me in the shoulder, attempting to offer comfort, but all she did was promise a bruise that would show up later. "You got this. Just focus." Then she melted back into the shadows, like a very non normal person. 

I walked to the edge of the stage, standing behind the curtain and peeked in on the gathered crowed made up of cast, crew and the media. Dustin had just walked on stage, standing behind a small podium, and began to address the crowed, gaining a laugh from an opening joke. I spotted Laliana sitting in the front row next to Allie, who Aiden made promise to stay with Laliana once he left with Tate to do his part to take care of our second accomplice. 

Soon it would be my turn.

Looking around, I spotted Luke waiting in the wings at the other side of the stage. He stared back at me with wide eyes. His eyes flitting up to something above my head. I only had a moment to process that he was shouting something before a loud, angry screech filled my ears. 

Spinning around, I saw one of the stage lights swinging wildly, a screw falling towards my head. I managed to side step it before it crashed into the ground, missing me by mere inches, but failed to see the bigger problem before the rest of the stage light came hurtling towards me. 

I only had a moment to suck in a breath before I hit the ground, the light sending sparks flying in every direction, glass scattering as the stage light hit with a deafening crack. The world turned blinding, electricity going wild.

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