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Keefe sprung from the chair. His face was red as he turned towards the voice.
It was Fitz.
"Uhhh- heyyyy Fitz!" Keefe called as he pushed Sophie down when she tried to get up.
"Keefe I need to ask you something," Fitz said nervously, shifting from one foot to another.
"Uh yeah sure," Keefe slowly walked towards him.
"Have you seen Sophie around?"
Keefe. Act natural. ACT NATURAL!! Keefe smiled in alarm. "Heheh he. N- no not at all!" Keefe said *naturally*.
"Oh ok. She must not be coming... I was gonna ask her out..."
Keefe froze with the fake smile on his lips. "Oh really."
Fitz nodded and grinned. "What do you think she'll say??"
Keefe swallowed and answered: "I dunno." I do know. She will say NO because she is dating me.
Fitz shrugged and went back inside.
Keefe blew out a breath of relief. He turned back to Sophie who had wide eyes. "Uhh... what." Was as Sophie said.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT??! DIDNT YOU JUST HEAR THAT???!!!" Sophie shouted. Keefe stared at her. "Yeah I heard you."
"Fitz just said he was gonna ask me out!!!" Sophie explained loudly.
"Oh. Well what would you say?" Keefe asked, not wanting to know the answer.
"I would say: no."
"Then why are you stressing so much?" Keefe asked.
"I dunno."
Keefe rolled his eyes. "How about we go inside so you can reject Fitz?"
Sophie shook her head emphatically. "No. No no no."
Keefe grabbed her hand and dragged her out the seat. She resisted but it didn't do anything. "Please. Keefe-" Keefe looked at Sophie and she stopped talking.
He then pushed her into a corner and started kissing her. In front of everyone. Sophie lightly pushed him away and questioned him about the reason he was kissing her in front of everyone.
"Don't worry, no one can see you. I'm shielding you." Keefe replied and continued kissing Sophie.
Sophie melted into him.
"Keefe!!" A voice shouted that sounded suspiciously like Fitz.
"Fitz... uh..." Keefe cringed and turned around, still 'shielding' Sophie.
"Why are you kissing Sophie RIGHT AFTER I TOLD YOU I WAS GONNA ASK HER OUT???!!" Fitz yelled. Keefe wanted to kick something. Why did I think that shielding would work??? He thought. Sophie let out a tiny sob behind him. "She was gonna say no anyway," Keefe murmured.
"I'm dating her."
Fitz opened his mouth. Then closed it. And repeated.
"I hate you," Fitz nearly inaudible mumbled.
Sophie sobbed again. "AND YOU SOPHIE," Fitz called.
Keefe noticed that everyone had gone quiet to listen.
Sophie started sobbing uncontrollably. "Hey, it's ok," Keefe whispered and hugged Sophie. Sophie pushed Keefe away angrily. "F-foster?" Keefe stepped forward. "D-don't 'foster' me. You just wrecked my FRIENDSHIP with Fitz!" Sophie cried.
"B-but I thought you liked ME??" Keefe asked, looking at the ground. "I- I do. But I still wanted to be friends with Fitz..." Sophie glanced away sadly.
"Well, Fitz can-"
"STOP INTERFERING WITH MY LIFE!" Sophie suddenly shouted.
Keefe stepped back, as if he was hit.
"You shouted at me. Angrily. Sophie, why?"
"Just stop. Stop being such a- a- ugh!" Sophie stomped away.
Keefe stared after her, his shoulders sagging. He barely perceived the people around, trying to talk to him.

This wasn't how it was supposed to end. It was NEVER supposed to end!


Again, it was FITZ who got in the way of a relationship with SOPHIE of ALL PEOPLE!!

Scattered thoughts of the same phrases but rephrased made it hard for Keefe to stand up. He stumbled over towards the door but everything was spinning and the crowd- how did the crowd get thicker? The people pushed him further from the door and Keefe stopped resisting. When his back hit the wall, Keefe slumped to the ground with his head in his hands.
Moments later, someone sat next to him. Keefe looked up. It was Dex.
"Don't even start," Keefe mumbled when Dex opened his mouth. He moved his head back in his hands.
Dex sighed. "I just want to say I'm sorry."
Keefe didn't move.
Dex shook his head and went to stand up. "I just lost two friends," Keefe murmured.
"At least Sophie actually liked you," Dex shrugged.
Keefe thought about that. Nah, he thought, Sophie liking you before dumping is worse than never liking you. But Keefe didn't say that out loud.
"Ok," Keefe replied lamely.
Dex smiled sadly and walked away.
Seconds later, Keefe was interrupted in feeling sorry for himself.
"Keefe? Keefe... Sencen?"
Keefe rolled his eyes and shifted his face to look at the source of the voice.
A girl with dark chocolate coloured hair and tan skin stood nervously before him. Her eyes were a pale turquoise - almost like ice blue. Keefe smiled slightly. "That's... that's me." He stood up and realised this girl was short.
Well, compared to HIM anyway. The girl blushed lightly and looked away. "Do you wanna dance?"
Keefe stared at her. Then remembered that he wasn't Sophie's boyfriend anymore. "Yeah, ok."
The girl smiled happily as Keefe took her hand and led her to where people were dancing. They danced and Keefe was actually having fun with this girl.
The girl said her name was Sandi.

Then a slow song came on and Keefe hesitated to dance with Sandi. Except Sandi somehow got him to dance. When the song ended, Keefe looked up to see Sophie staring at him sadly. Keefe paused. And right when he was distracted, Sandi decided to kiss him. She grabbed his collar and pulled him down. Which was a lot, considering her height. Keefe stared with wide eyes at Sandi, who had her eyes shut. His eyes flickered to Sophie, who now had a look of terror, but it quickly turned into anger. Keefe pulled himself away from Sandi. He was speechless. "Um..." Sandi looked at her feet.

Keefe looked over at Sophie again. This time she was talking to Fitz. Fitz smiled at her and hugged her. She just agreed to be his girlfriend, Keefe thought with a bit of anger. "Sandi," he gazed at Sandi, "will you be my girlfriend?"

Sandi's eyes went wide and she flung herself at him. She hugged him hard. Keefe knew he didn't like Sandi, but maybe he could get Sophie jealous enough to come back to him?

It always worked in movies.

Keefe's diary (YAY!!! FINALLY!!!)
Diary entry #8

Sophie and I got in a fight. A big one.
I THINK she broke up with me- but I'm still not sure. She didn't SAY anything like that.
Well either she broke up with me or she has TWO boyfriends.
Me and...
Then again, I have two girlfriends.
Okay, okay.
Let me explain.
There was this girl who asked me to dance- Sandi.
She kissed me as Sophie was looking at me and... let's just say Sophie got the wrong impression. She went up to Fitz and agreed to date him. AND YOU KNOW HOW IN MOVIES THE BOY DATES A GIRL TO MAKE THE OTHER GIRL JEALOUS AND IN THE END IT WORKS OUT???
Well, that's what happened. I asked Sandi out.
I mean- those movies always work out!!!
I bet Sophie is jealous RIGHT NOW and is about to call me to apologise.
Why would I need to apologise??
I was trying to make her feel better and she just ran away.

I'm right. She's wrong!

Okay well, now that the TRUTH is on these pages, time for me to go!


It was kinda fun to write but also hard.
Thank you for making it all the way through this Author Note!!!
Although I bet SOME OF YOU skipped it. 🤨DIDNT YOU??😧
Jk. It doesn't matter
Also, I hope you guys don't kill me!!! Ik I'm talking to Non-responding people who don't comment ON ONE THING (except for SecretlySilveny or Warriorbunny456, dragonknightfury)
<— (if more comment I'll add them... maybe)

Y'know just saying, it makes me feel ALONE.
Anyway I hope y'all will ignore all that I've said and don't judge me.
Thank you
Bye 😘

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