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About 1 month into his 'bedridden' state, they tried to make Keefe get out of bed.
Keefe could sit up, so he carefully swivelled himself so his legs were hanging over the side. For some reason, Keefe was nervous. Why am I nervous? Keefe wondered. It's just standing and walking. Normal stuff.
It was just Sophie and him in his little room of machines. Unfortunately, even though he was going to stand up, they didn't unplug the machines out of him.

Keefe took a deep breath. "Okay," he mumbled. He slid off the bed. And his legs gave out. Fortunately, Keefe managed to grab onto the bed. He clung there and closed his eyes. The moment weight was put into his legs, pain shot up into his chest, through his stomach. "Are you-" Sophie started.
"Yes, I'm fine," Keefe interrupted, embarrassed. "I'm fine," he said again.
"You just said you were fine twice." Sophie raised her eyebrows. "Here, I'll help you."
Sophie pulled him up onto the bed.
"What happened?" She asked.
"What? What happened? No, nothing happened. That's exactly what I wanted to do. Exactly- in fact, I might walk now-"
"Alright, Keefe, what are you doing?" Sophie crossed her arms. Keefe fidgeted with the blanket, not looking at Sophie.
"Okay- I might not be able to stand. I can't stand, Sophie! Why can't I stand?" Keefe whispered the last sentence. Sophie smiled. "Hey! I would've been SO surprised if you did it," Sophie told him.
"Wow, thanks a lot."
"No, no," Sophie laughed, "it's not like that. The doctors said you wouldn't be able to stand for 2 months!"
Keefe stared at her, startled. It had only been one month and they thought he could stand? Great!
Also, Keefe liked this change with Sophie. She was no longer sad, she was laughing! Keefe missed her laugh.

He still wanted her to like him... as more than a friend, though.

"I missed you," those words tumbled out of Keefe's mouth before he could stop them.
Sophie raised and eyebrow and laughed. "I missed you too, Keefe."
There. There it was. The added name at the end of her sentence. Keefe.
The only hope Keefe had for a relationship was in that word. Sophie didn't need to add that. But she did, and Keefe reckoned it implied that she liked him. A hint. But he could be overthinking this. How could a name mean something more? If it meant something, it probably would mean... friend. Friend.
Just a friend.

Just... a friend.


"I missed you so much," Keefe said, maybe being a bit too reckless.
Sophie giggled nervously. "Yes. Me too."
"So much."
"So much."
Keefe smiled at Sophie. They smiled for a little too long and Sophie looked away awkwardly. Why did you do that?! Keefe's brain screamed.
"Keefe... there's something I need to tell you..." Sophie's tone saddened.
I don't like you. I like you. You will always be bedridden. You should've been walking a long time ago. They were all possibilities, and they ran through Keefe's head in a jumble. "Um... sure," Keefe mumbled.
"I... I got told that... you might..." Sophie trailed off, maybe realising she didn't want to say it yet. Or wasn't ready to say it.  "Actually, Keefe. Just forget I said anything."
Keefe, not wanting to make his only friend hate him, simply replied with, "okay."

The atmosphere was awkward after that, Keefe stared at his feet, and Sophie shifted nervously.
"I better tell the nurses you can't stand," Sophie eventually said, walking to the door. "What- I can stand!" Keefe protested. Sophie looked at him once, and he mumbled, "okay.."

"I can stand." Keefe was talking to himself as Sophie was gone. "I'll show Sophie I can. It's not that hard."
Keefe swallowed nervously at the ground. "It's not that hard," he repeated.

Keefe stepped onto the ground. This time, he collapsed because he couldn't grab the bed in time. "Ow, ow."
His torso started feeling like it was on fire. Keefe cried out, then forced himself to sit up. "Ow, that hurt," he mumbled.
"Yes, it did look like it."
Keefe jumped. "Oh, hey Sophie... it isn't what it looks like."
Sophie studied him for a few seconds and decided, "no, it's definitely what it looks like."
"No it's not."
"Yes it is."
Keefe narrowed his eyes. "No, it's not. Wait. What does it look like to you?"
Sophie went red. Why did she go red?? What does it look like?! "Okay- you just started blushing and I can assure you- it is not what  you think it is," Keefe quickly put in.
"Umm okay..."
"Can you help me up?" Keefe asked. Sophie didn't answer but helped him back on the bed.

"Okay, now I'm curious. What did it look like?" Keefe gave in.
Sophie shook her head. "Never mind. I'm wrong. Sadly...." The last word was barely perceptible, and Sophie probably didn't mean for Keefe to hear it. And it made Keefe feel weird. Like... she blushed. For the first time in a long time. By Keefe. Then she said what she thought it was... was sadly wrong.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Sophie asked. "Huh? Like what?"
"Like... it just dawned on you that I'm the best ice cream that has the worst flavour."
Keefe frowned. "What does THAT mean?"
Sophie blushed again. Again? "I don't know. You were just looking at me weirdly."

The best ice cream. Yes, Keefe agreed. The worst flavour. That isn't really what Keefe thought. Also could ice cream have a bad flavour??
If people were ice cream, Sophie would be the best and Keefe would be the one with the bad flavour.
Keefe's thoughts.

Ah well. At least I made her blush two times.

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