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"Let me go!" Keefe shouted and wrenched his arms out of their grip. "Hey! It's fine! We are not arresting you!" One of the police yelled. That calmed Keefe down. "Oh. Ok." He got in the car, still handcuffed.

Keefe didn't talk the whole way to the police station. Even though the police were talking to him. When he was out the car, the first thing Keefe saw was Sophie. He stared at her, and she looked warily at his handcuffs.
When inside the building, Keefe was shown to a questioning room. Both of his arms were cuffed to the armrests.

Now, Keefe was panicking.

The chair he was on was a chair attached to the ground, so it couldn't fall over.
Sophie came in, followed by a police officer which had someone handcuffed. The sight of Sophie calmed Keefe down a bit. But when he saw the 'person' was Fitz, he shrunk in his chair.

There were four chairs around a square table. One side for everyone. The police officer sat across from him, which meant Fitz was next to Keefe. And Sophie on the right side.

Fitz wasn't handcuffed to the armrests, his hands were just secured behind him. Is that safe? Keefe wondered. Isn't he an abusing maniac?
Also why was Keefe more restrained than Fitz?!

Oh... right.

Fitz looked crazy with his usually perfect hair not styled, but messy. He glared at everyone from under the loose strands of hair, mostly at Keefe and the officer. More the officer, though.

Then the police started questioning them about before.

"So, what exactly happened before?" The officer looked pointedly towards Fitz, "I've had two very different reports on it."

"What I said is what happened!" Fitz growled.
"What did he say?" Sophie asked.
"Well, he said, mostly that it wasn't his fault Keefe was on the floor, injured. Also, that Sophie's hand wasn't broken by him-"
"It wasn't," Sophie agreed quietly.
That was when Keefe noticed that Sophie's right hand was bandaged. He wondered how she broke it.
"Right. He didn't say much about it, except saying he was innocent, which is very suspicious." The officer twirled the pen in his fingers. "Also, the house was Keefe's, and Sophie claims that she was invited there, while Fitz wasn't." The police officer looked at Keefe. "Correct?"
Keefe nodded.
"Fitz declares that the door was unlocked. Is that true, Keefe?"
Keefe stared at the table with a confused face. "I... I don't know." He glanced at Sophie.
"It wasn't locked," Sophie corrected. "The night before, you told me to come in, and the door wasn't locked."
"Oh. Yeah, it was unlocked," Keefe shrugged.

"Alright. So, Fitz, did you knock before coming in?" The officer turned to Fitz.
"Why?" Fitz spat.
"Sophie claims you didn't."
"I did." Fitz protested. He paused. "Very, very lightly..."
"And you just barged in?" The police asked.
"Yes!" Sophie shouted at Fitz. They glared at each other.

"Keefe?" The officer looked at Keefe.
"I... I think that he barged in. Yes, he did," Keefe announced.

"Right. Great. So... who hit first?"
"Fitz did!" Sophie cried at the same time Fitz shouted, "Keefe!"
The police peered at Keefe.
"F-Fitz did. I... I didn't hit at all." Keefe tensed as he had flashbacks. A small whimper escaped. Sophie smiled a reassuring smile. But she still eyed him warily.
The officer looked at his notes with a frown.

"Okay. Well, if that's true, then how did Fitz get injured?"
"I hit him," Sophie answered softly.
"Even after Keefe passed out, Fitz kept hitting and kicking him. I punched him to make him stop." Sophie gripped the armrests.
"So, then, if Fitz didn't break your hand, who did?"

Sophie took a deep breath, as if this was a hard answer. "Keefe did."

Keefe stared at her in disbelief. "No, I was unconscious."
Sophie didn't look at him. "You did. Semi-consciously."

"How?!" Keefe cried. Fitz grinned at Keefe's distressed form.
"I don't know. You broke it with your hands somehow. Snapped my hand with yours."
Keefe hyperventilated. "No," he shook his head, "No, I didn't!"
"I'm sorry Keefe, but it's the truth."
Keefe whimpered again. He could slightly remember a scream while he was passed out. Was that when he broke her hand?
So, that was why he wasn't allowed to see Sophie. That was why Sophie kept eyeing him cautiously. Was Sophie scared of him? Did she think he would hurt her again?
But he would never do it again. "Sophie- I'm so sorry."
Was sorry enough? It never was, was it?

"I'm sorry," Keefe whimpered out lamely again.

Sophie didn't look at him when she shrugged.

"Um... so it looks like everyone got injured and everyone hurt someone. 1 was accidental, so Keefe is innocent. The other 2... well, Sophie had a good reason. She was defending Keefe, who couldn't defend himself. Innocent."
Fitz growled at the police officer. "Fitz, meanwhile, meant every bit of the agony he caused Keefe to endure. Guilty. Also guilty of trespassing. Also, lying to an officer."

The police got up. "So, I'm going to turn this report in, and Fitz will get taken away. I will be back."

The moment the officer left, and the door clicked close, Fitz yelled at Keefe and Sophie. Keefe shrunk in his seat, still overwhelmed by the fact he hurt Sophie. Suddenly Fitz was unhand-cuffed and he sprang forward. He kissed Sophie quickly, and Sophie went a bright shade of red. While she was stunned, Fitz grabbed his handcuff and locked in on Sophie's right hand, binding her to the armrest. "Hey!" Sophie protested.

Then, Fitz came to Keefe. He punched him in the face. And kept punching. Since Keefe was cuffed to the seat, he couldn't dodge, he couldn't even use his hands to block. All he could do was watch Fitz beat him up. Every time keefe got hit, a cry of agony responded. Eventually , Fitz kicked Keefe's stomach, causing him to double over in pain. The chair broke from the concrete ground and slid a few inches. Keefe groaned loudly and breathed heavily.
His face was covered with blood, from his nose, and from other cuts. It dripped onto the floor as he was bent over.
Keefe heard Sophie shouting at Fitz angrily, but she couldn't do anything.

"Alright, Keefe. You got the idea now?" Fitz murmured, pulling Keefe's head up by his hair. Keefe nodded painfully.
Fitz moved the disconnected chair over to the table, still holding his hair.
"Goodbye, Keefe."
Fitz slammed Keefe's head into the table. The last thing Keefe felt was blood filling his mouth.

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