'Green' Eyed Monster.

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Aamon had slept soundly for the most part. Several times he got up to scan our surroundings or to stretch his limbs. Several times he got up to make soft grumbles and whines at me. He nipped at my ear and my hands a few times, gnawing and licking them. I had peeked from a lidded eye to catch him, and nearly swallowed my heart. I had found him twice, half shifted into something of my nightmares, watching me or chewing on my hand to pacify himself. The wolf and the man were one thing, but the half shifted Aamon was enough to make Lovecraft tap out. I didn't know if he chose to do that, or if he was so used to staying his wolf that it was hard not to, but I was not ready. I refused to open my eyes after that, knowing that when he was done being freaky he'd simply settle back down to sleep.

"Fawn?" His morning voice was huskier
and more throaty than his typical speaking voice. I startled for a moment until my eyes met his. "Fawn, it is morning! Outside is the sun." What did he want me to do about it, photosynthesize?

"Good morning..." He pulled me up from my sleeping spot and to my feet. I swayed, still groggy and not entirely sure of my footing. It was sorcery how he could be dead one moment and keep to his feet without missing a beat. It was just further confirmation he was indeed not human.

"It is time we feed. Outside, it rains. We stay in here till it dries." He scruffs my hair with his large hand. "Your fur will mat."

"It's hair." He shrugs at my correction.

I stop by my bags to grab the brush, running it through my hair, honestly creating more fuzz than anything. I braid it back hastily and tie it off. I pull a tiny tendril infront of my ear loose on either side, for vanity purposes. I brush my teeth with water from one of the tiny basins Aamon has filled, and I put a little in my palm to wipe my face. Aamon has gone into the meat room, and I quickly unblock the door. I step outside the door to pee. Immediately I'm assaulted by the thick, cold downpour of rain. I shake myself off coming back through the door to be met with an irritated Aamon. I throw my hands up.

"I just had to pee." He shook his head.

"You don't go outside alone. They will smell you. They could sneak up on you. You are trying to kill me?"

"No. I just had to-" He dismissed me with a stern look as he stepped outside. I already knew the drill, and as the rain subsided I groaned at the noise. Of course the rain would subside for him, but pour when I had to go. It was set against me. My drenched clothes took me back to my soaked burgundy hoodie that night I had met his wolf, scurrying to fix my tire in the pouring rain.

He came back, guiding me onto the furs he had piled in this main room once again. He had some tea of sorts for me, the steeped herbs I was guessing. Thinking about them reminded me of my mean remarks yesterday. A pang of guilt hit me, and I sighed into the bitter cup of weed water. We ate together, our new ritual only for here. We grabbed bites of different things Aamon had arranged on this smooth slab. Aamon soon decided to spice up the meal, tossing bits into the air and moving his open mouth to catch them. Juice trickled down his chin as he grinned at himself. I laughed harder at his expression than I did over his trick. It was hard to believe this side of him existed.

"Now you catch it!" A section of firm red meat hit the tip of my nose. "No. You open your mouth! That's how it works, vermin." He flicked my forehead and reached back to fling another piece.

"I wasn't ready!" I trained my eyes on his fingers as the new piece took flight.

"You caught it!" His eyes glistened with his delight. He began firing away almost as fast as I could catch. I flung another bite at him, catching him off guard. I managed to get him between the eyes. He blinked at me in surprise, and I lost it. He dove over what was left of the food and onto me. I squealed in shock.

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