"Your Future Wife?"

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To my slight surprise, there wasn't any boredom in the car with Harvey. Us rather sharing insults or jokes, listening to music and going over this Coastal Motors issue. One of the things I discovered about him. He is more of a Dom Torreto when it comes to cars. Honestly, I'm intrigued to know if he rides with a black charger. Right now we're in another office at Smith & Devane. I looked around amazedly. "Great view. Except the tables are a lot darker." I spoke sarcastically. Harvey snorted. "I know." He agreed. I inhaled a deep breath. "Alright, this trip to see the other you better be worth it. I can't be stuck with another man all day." I said impatiently. He scoffed while sliding his hand on the leather chairs. "The only difference is I'm the better one. Careful Harv, that's high-end Brazilian Cherry from the south-American rainforest." This guy spoke walking in. Hair gelled, suit with a dark tie and handsome mystique. Travis Tanner. Harvey smirked. "Tanner. You selling furniture now?" He joked. I crossed my arms and scoffed. "It looks like he's selling NFL." I complimented. Tanner turned to me while smiling dashingly. "Oh. Is this your future wife Harv? You done swimming with the fishes?" He joked. I held my stomach from quiet laughter. "No. Hell no. Elizabeth Parker. You may think there was two men in command but God made woman." I spoke confidently. He hummed in response. "I like you. But if we both sold NFL, I'd sell more than you." He said, looking at Harvey. "I thought I told you to stay out of my city." He recalled. Tanner smiled arrogantly. "Can't. I'm the newest senior partner at Smith and Devane." He told him. I playfully rolled my eyes. "So he is another you." I whispered in his ear. Harvey smiled though it surprisingly made my stomach flutter. "Don't get too comfortable. If all you're bringing is the Boston shakedown, you're not gonna be here long." He said. I shoved my hands in my suit pockets. "Unless he got something up his ass." I added. He nodded. "I'm bringing more than that. Randall vs. CM is a winner." He said, reminding me of the old case Harvey mentioned. I scoffed. "That case was litigated." I told him. "Not by me." He disagreed. I walked up and fake smiled. "Well let me recap. Frank Randall had a history of substance abuse. His family tried to blame coastal motors but his death had nothing to do with the carmaker or its design." I explained. Tanner walked up to us. "Yeah well, we've got new evidence that contradicts that assertion." He said. Harvey smirked. "Oh look at that. You learned some new words." He said sarcastically. I managed to stifle a chuckle. "Even if that were true, the statute of limitations ran out." I joked. He scoffed. "Yeah well, what you call a shakedown, I call this a sure thing." He said, giving Harvey an internal memo. Shit. He stared at in surprise. "This is an internal memo." He said. "No shit, genius." I growled/whispered. Tanner smiled coldly. "Showing that CM knew about engineering defects. You're on the wrong side of this one Harvey." He said. He looked up from the memo. "I never saw this thing in my life." He said in a serious tone. I took the paper from him and skimmed everything. Shit, shit. This isn't good. He buried a case a long time ago yet forgotten to empty the skeleton closet? I huffed. "Sure looks like you did. And that statute of limitations doesn't apply to fraudulent concealment." Tanner continued. I raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Fraud? Concealment?" I asked. "I didn't conceal Jack shit." Harvey said. Tanner handed me the lawsuit documents and smirked. "Harvey, this is for your client. We want $46million and not a penny less. And this is for you—He handed him another document. Aka suing! "Because we're suing you and your entire firm for fraud." He finished. "Oh lord." I muttered. Harvey chuckled. "You really wanna come after me again?" He asked. I fake smiled and handed him the lawsuit document. "Hold this since it's your shit you started." I said through gritted teeth. Tanner shrugged. "Looks she knows you better than yourself. I'm not moving down here for the sushi." He said. He raised an eyebrow. "Zero and two doesn't look good on a resume. And don't talk to her. She doesn't speak to 'Harvey phonies.'" He said, smirking. I smiled and nodded. "You know, I'm thinking upper east side." Tanner spoke before walking out. "Well, why don't you check out the corner of 81st and kiss my ass?" Harvey said. I fake smiled. "Hope you can check out the corner of Jessica kicks your ass." I said and walked past him.

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