Twin Mind Instincts

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Maya gave me Avery and gathered my things to have me go home. At first, I thought she'd let me take my time but she found out what happened. She also knew I can't face everyone, even if Donna was going to be there. All I wanted to do was curl in my blankets and forget this. Forget what happened, forget the trial, forget you-know-who. The good news is giant packages of Avery's crib and baby monitor arrived on our doorstep. Guess that's partially why she wanted me to go home. We brought them to our guest room. After cleaning and setting up the monitor, it looked brand new. The door was closed to surprise Avery. I carried her by the hip. Maya smiled cheerily. "Your Mommy and I worked on something special for you." She cooed. I returned the gesture and tickled her. "Ready?" I whispered in her ear. She smiled. I chuckled. "Here's your new—I paused as she opened the door. "Crib!" We said in unison. (Up top). I playfully cheered, pointing at the stuff animals. Avery smiled while sucking her fist. Maya fake gasped. "Look, your new play mat!" She said. I almost forgot she ordered the mat. Whoops. I mentally chuckled. We looked down to the large Disney princess mat. She smiled. "Look at that!" She whispered. I motioned her to see the mat. Avery made grabby hands in attempt to touch it. I kneeled down and let her crawl about. She crawled around, babbling. "She's really attached to this." Maya spoke. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Imagine once she gets a TV." I told her jokingly. She chuckled. "Liz, she's only eleven months—I cut her off. "Yup and before you know it, she'll be walking. These things come sooner than you think. Look, she's already trying to walk out." I said. Maya turned to see Avery crawling past the door before I picked her up. "A fast one aren't ya?" I joked, hugging her. She babbled while touching my nose. "We better watch where she goes. That almost made my heart skip." She told me. I hid a chuckle and laid her in the crib. Avery happily moved her arms about. I smiled sweetly. "You are so wonderful, my baby." I whispered. She giggled, babbling. Maya pulled out her phone and smiled. "Smile baby! Smile!" She cooed. She looked around in wonder which was cute. Her chubby face made eye contact curiously. I waved, smiling. She smiled as Maya snapped the picture. I held her little hands and she brought them to her mouth. Too cute! "Have she ate?" I mentioned. She looked up from her phone. "God, now that you said it, I'm hungry too." She said. I opened her travel suitcase and pulled out an empty bottle with some formula. The applesauce was in the fridge. "Stay here." I told her. Maya nodded before I walked downstairs to make her dinner.

I chilled on the couch, watching Netflix after feeding Avery and changing her diaper. She kept calling me Mama between spoonfuls. My phone buzzed. I mentally hoped it wasn't you-know-who or Donna. I checked to see Rachel calling. I breathed a breath of relief. "Excuse me." I told Maya before handing Avery to her. I grabbed my phone and walked upstairs to my room. "Hello?" I answered. "Liz. Are you ok? I'm so sorry for what happened. You really didn't deserve that. It was seriously humiliating—I cut her off. I scoffed. "You're damn right it was. I seriously hated all of it. I knew it was going to go downhill but unfortunately, I forgot who put me and everyone in this position." I growled. She sighed. "You mean Donna? Do you?" She asked. A moment of silence erupted. I rubbed my hair. "Honestly, her would be an understatement. Harvey's a package of it. You heard everything Louis said. He sometimes doesn't think about his actions. And what it might do to people." I told her. "You also mentioned he got your friend's mom a divorce settlement after finding out what her ex-husband did to you." She added. I fake smiled. "And I suppose he deserves a medal? After caring for a client one time? Helping his associate one time?" I asked sarcastically. "And what does that tell you?" She asked. I inhaled a deep breath while pinching the bridge of my nose. "I don't really, maybe he does care. I'm not sure." I told her honestly. "Are you still coming tomorrow?" Rachel asked. It be easier if I don't. But humiliation happens outside the workplace too. It doesn't last long. The last thing to do is not show up just because Louis questioned if Harvey in a different way. "Yes. Yes I'm still going." I spoke confidently. "Really? You could take a day off. Think things through. Spend it with Avery." She suggested. "I'm not missing work just because a mock trial gone wrong. There are worse things than some uncomfortable questions." I said. She sighed. "Are you still mad at Louis?" She asked. I nodded my head no. "He was only doing his job. He never meant no harm. We all know who's responsible but don't say." I said, scoffing at the last part. "Ok. Goodnight Liz. Get some sleep." Rachel said kindly. I nodded. "You too." I said and hung up. The whole time Maya stood by my door. "Were you just standing there?" I asked. She nodded her head no. "I put Avery to bed. Turned on the monitor." She told me. I nodded, sitting down and rubbed my face. "Who called?" Maya asked. "Rachel. You already know the topic." I said. She inhaled a deep breath. "As a matter of fact, I do. I've known many things up to this point." She muttered. I flunked myself on the bed and covered my face. It's time I finally tell her. None of it's fair keeping everything from her lately. "Maya, there's...there's something I need or should've tell you. I let it get this far and practically blown up at trial. But you know I always tell you things. This kinda wasn't easy. You might wanna hang onto the door, this'll make you fall." I told her. She smiled slightly, crossing her arms. "Liz, I think you should hang on. This'll make you jump off the bed." She spoke. At first I thought it was mocking but the tone was real. "What are you talking about?" I immediately asked. "I meant....I knew. I knew everything. You and Harvey." She admitted. That made me uncover my face while getting up. "What?!" I shrieked in a high-pitched voice. Maya couldn't help but laugh. She knew everything? Everything? Was I not a good sneaker? "How—did—you—how?" I managed to say. "I knew everything since interrogating you about the aftershave scent on your suit. Where do I start? The ballet show. The car picked you up wasn't a taxi. Someone wearing a suit got out of it. The times you weren't home discreetly, this bouquet of roses you found so beautiful had a card you didn't throw away. And I quote 'Unique, unreal, wonderful. You are perfect. H.' Even that second Starbucks coffee printed 'H' in black. How concerned you looked when talking about him punching Tanner. Especially how you two bond." She explained. The whole time I stared in total shock. Maya smiled, attempting not to laugh. "Liz, I know you more than anyone. We share the same birthday, same womb. Share every quirk. Our minds think alike! You really think I can't suspect anything my twin does?" She laughed. My eyes widened. I was still speechless. "Was I ever a good sneaker?" I blurted. She hummed in response. "During our school years." She told me. I scoffed. "And I saw who was at our door. In your room where Avery slept. H, was it?" Maya asked innocently. Thoughts about Harvey entered my mind. She sat beside me and smiled. "It's ok. I know it wasn't anything—She paused seeing me looking down thoughtfully. " it?" She asked. "I don't know. I really don't. There were a few...close calls but we have a friendship. I'm still upset at him for putting me in this mess. But it's not stopping me from going to work. A mock trial is one thing but real trial is something else." I ranted. Maya scoffed and nodded in disagreement. "Why are you upset at him? I understand why but in all truth, Donna put you in this mess. You would've not had to get up there if it weren't for her. Harvey would've not got sued for fraud. But what's important is winning this lawsuit. And gain custody of Avery." She said, winking. I smiled and chuckled. "You'll need an attorney though. The birth mother isn't around to testify so you'll have a chance." She added. "Harvey helped. He came over the night I found her. I was thinking of names and asked what would he name her. Avery. That name was stuck on me before he even said it. I really liked it." I mentioned. My cheeks burned red. Maya smiled softly. "Me too. It's a beautiful name. I have my fair share of a friendship." She said. I raised both eyebrows and chuckled. "Like a certain Kim? Cmon Maya, I can suspect my twin too. Tell me about him." I said. She madly blushed. "With chicken Alfredo and glasses of wine?" She asked. I intertwined my fingers while pouting. "Please!" I begged crazily. She laughed quietly.

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