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Jay and Barry walked into the admin's office at CCU. Please let me do the talking because they might get confused seeing you again,  the kids might not talk again.  If that's okay by you. Barry said
That's okay
Hello, I'm Barry Allen,  from CCPD.  This is my partner,  Jay Garrett.
We are here to ask about the student in your school who died recently.  I said
The principal isn't in a seat at the moment but you can talk to me,  she said.
So I brought out the pictures I have with me
Do you know any of these kids?
Yes,  that is Roshni Patel,  she is an international student here at CCU.
What can you tell us about her performance in class?
Not very great but before she died her grades and intellectual increased a lot,  because she knew if she was not so well,  her scholarships could be revoked so I guess she decided to do well. She said with a sad face.
Do you, people know that she only started doing well in class because she was taking some kind of pills?  Barry said looking so angry.
I didn't know but there is someone who could shed some light on this problem we are facing.
Who is that?
That will be Anita Raymond,  roommate, and I think they could be best of friends.
Go to class B,  left-wing,  she should be there.
We left to find the girl,  on getting to the class,  she was not there so I inquired from someone passing by,
Do you know anyone who goes by Anita Raymond in this department?
He was about to say something when a voice said who is asking?
We are,  I brought out my badge,  we are from the CCPD,  I would like to speak to you about your dead friend,  Roshni. The moment she heard the name she was shocked and I could tell she was scared but I had to keep calm about it.

Do you know if your drug was on any drug in particular?
Not that I know of but I don't think she could be doing drugs, Ros is not that kind of girl., the only thing I know is that Harry and Ros were dating, she said I'm sorry sir I wish I could help you but I have to get to class.  I could tell from the way she was talking and walking away, that she was very scared and nervous.

Jay,  she knows something but I don't think she is going to say anything. I said
She will when my wife talks to her,  I said with a smirk on my lip.
Your wife?  Jay asked looking surprised.
I haven't signed the divorce paper
Oh,  I see, and we both walk directly to where the car was parked.

Iris was sitting in the office eating her nails while going through some of the files and Callie's statement of account,  she was shocked to see how much she spent in a week on drugs probably.
Guys, do you have anything for me?
I feel like Roshni's friend knows something but she is not ready to talk.
Why do you say?  Iris asked looking all confused.
She was shocked and nervous, she was probably the only one who looked surprised when we asked if her friend was doing drugs.

I feel like there is a connection between all these kids. Something is not adding up.
I feel like that too,  Barry said while taking a seat at the table, and at that moment he could get a closer look at her face,  he missed her so much,  but this was not the time for that,  they had a case to solve.
Jay, please try and go through all their social media page,  I feel that could lead off somewhere,  we need to know the connection between all of them.

Jay left to carry out the assignment, which left Barry and me alone in my office,  it felt somehow just us alone in the office.

I brought out the crime board,  what do you think about the connection Barry?
Complicated,  another thing,  sorry I forgot to mention,  Roshni and Harry are in a relationship.
I knew it,  so he was dating the two of them. He probably introduced the pills to her and the rest of them. Looking at it he was the last one to die. I said with a little smile
And I also feel like the distribution started at Hudson University, Barry said while touching his lower lip which made him look so handsome, I quickly snapped out of the thought.

Let me go and check on Jay,  he said and left.

As I was walking down the stairs I met with Caitlin.
Hey Cailt,  he hugged her,  I'm so happy to see you,  hope you're not mad at me. He asked
Of course not,  I came to see you, and she said,  can we find somewhere privately to talk,  yeah,  cone with me.  I said and she followed me
Did you cheat?
Not here,  Caitlin,  let go grab some coffee.
He said and they left.
After he left Iris came down looking for Barry.
Excuse me, officer,  do you see Allen?
He stepped out with some lady just now,  he said he would be back. The officer said and left.
He can't respect the fact that am here,  she felt like crying but she couldn't because she is not weak.
So Barry,  talk to me about what happened.
It was all a misunderstanding,  she set me up and made it look like we were having an affair.
Did you tell her all this, she said looking all surprised
She wasn't ready to listen,  there was evidence of my infidelity so she didn't hear me out.
I could talk to her.
It won't help.
What if she falls in love with someone else?  It will be the end, Barry.
Do you think Iris is capable of loving someone else?
No, but,  don't worry I will have my wife back in no time.
I'm so happy to see you,  Caitlin said with a big smile. I'm sure the whole West clan hates you now.
Yeah,  they do,  the only one I could not stand was Iris's scorn,  it breaks my heart.
I said with a sad face,  I will get going now,  cait said
Don't tell her you saw me.
Of course
Good luck with your case
Give this file to her, it is about the case you guys are working on.
Sure, thank you.

what is taking him so long,  she said,  why am I even worried?
I walked toward Jay to see where he was at on the stalking thing.
So anything?
Nothing on social media platforms,  nothing to bind them all together.
Barry walked in just in time, some drop this for you.
What is that?
I do not know,  I did not check,  Barry said, and have a seat.
It's Caitlin
It was already late and she was still working in the office.
I think you should go home,  Barry said to Iris everyone is gone except for you and me, not everyone, the police station is never really empty you know, I said not looking up,  I had my head buried in my laptop.
I will wait,  we will work together.
After searching through the files for about two hours more.
You look tired,  you should go home and get some rest.
They stoop up at the same time and their lips suddenly touch each other which makes Barry kiss her deeply but she doesn't respond to the kiss.
Now let go of my hand,  I'm starting to feel goofy.
He released her,  we can go to my place,  I will give you a foot rub.
Those days are over Barry
She said and walked out leaving him to there.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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