Trinity of Entanglement Thirteen

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At first I was fine with having hickeys to show off. Thinking that it would keep Finley away from me. All was great until dad went all alpha on Xillon and me. Now, as I stare at the much larger and darker bruises covering my breasts, I could kill him for doing this to me. Concealer can only do so much. I’ve done my best to cover them, but they stand out like a sore thumb.

‘They are beautiful. Show them off proudly, Annalise.’

‘If I die, you do as well. Remember that when the alpha is whooping our ass in pack training tomorrow. That’s if we even make it to pack training. He may very well kill us and them tonight.’

‘You are the alpha’s pride and joy. He wouldn’t lay a finger on you. Stop being a pussy. Get dressed and get out there to our mate.’

‘You seem so sure of yourself for Xillon and Xavier being our mate. As I remember, you were head over hills with Finley and his wolf Nox as well. Not that I don’t feel a connection with him. But he scares the crap out of me.’

‘We’ll converse more later. Get out there before Luna comes back.’

I shake my head and sigh in defeat once I’ve pulled the dress on. ‘Yup, dad is most definitely going to kill us. This dress shows off so much more skin on my chest than the other one did. Well, here goes nothing.’

Man, I hate being the last to arrive late to places. And also being the last to arrive.

Crissy’s dad Connor bows his head, tilts his neck in respect, then pulls the door open for me. “Good luck. You’re going to need it. Alpha Max and Luna Celeste are both on a rampage tonight.”

“That brings comfort. Thanks for that,” I said, rolling my eyes. Connor chuckles and gives me a slight nudge, pushing me forward.

As I feared, everyone’s heads swung in my direction upon entering the barn. A growl comes from not only my mother and father, but from Finley as well. He shoots a menacing glare at Xillon, who smirks and shrugs his shoulders.

“Don’t just stand there! Sit your ass down so the food can be served!”

Dad slammed his fist down on the table, causing the plates and silverware to jump and clank together on the massive table where everyone was seated.

“I’m sorry, Alpha,” I said meekly, barred my neck in submission, then scurried to my seat between my brothers.

His eyes glaze over as he instructs the omegas to serve drinks and food, then glares at me. ‘If he so much as touches one hair on your body tonight. I won’t hesitate to…’

“Quit your shit, Max.” Mom hisses into his ear, looks at me, and rolls her eyes.

‘He did the same thing to me when we were younger and not yet mated. Pay him no mind, sweetie,’ she says, then soothes him by running her fingertips through the hair at the nape of his neck. That’s when I glance over at Finley to see his eyes glaze over.

‘I can’t believe she let him mark her, like she’s some kind of common street whore! We need to do something about this and quick, Finley!’

‘Get out of my head, Nox. I can’t do this with you right now. We’re surrounded by wolves. Not to mention she feels nothing for us beyond being infatuated with my appearance. I screwed up royally when I forced my way into her thoughts. That was wrong, on so many levels. She probably won’t talk to me after what I did.’

‘You better get your ass in gear! She is our mate! Are you going to let her reject us for him?!’

‘Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about!’

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