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With a small elbow nudge I am woken up by Ilma. I take off my sleeping mask and I give her a small shy smile. I didn't realize I had fell asleep and she must've put my sleeping mask on. I yawned before stretching myself, I was about to get up but I realized that we were currently landing. I hate landing. Because I can feel the vibration from the wheels as they spin and much more.

I feel the plane dip sharply then settle as the pilot prepares for the landing, making adjustments to the controls. Windows blur as the plane rapidly loses altitude and the pressure equalizes with the atmosphere,filling the cabin with a hiss. Moments go by,and I feel the plane touch down,shaking slightly with the friction of the wheels on the runway.The seatbelt light comes on,I can hear the pilot slowing down until I feel a gradual halt,signaling the plane has come to a full stop.Thank God.

As the plane comes to a smooth stop I feel grossed out hearing the wheels screeching on the concrete.I feel the tension drain and feel relieved that the flight is over.The plane's engines let out a whirring noise as they slowly power down,I feel a wave of tranquility wash over me, knowing that I landed safely. I take a few deep breaths with my eyes closed shut.I sigh with relief.A wave of relief had just washed over me and my heartbeat begins to quickly settle into a normal rhythm again.

The anxiety that had kept me clutching these safety handles tight now begins to dissipate. My heavy breathing slows and I feel my grip loosen, the weight lifted off my hands as they relax. The pressure from my palms against the seat begins to fade, and I experience a rush of calmness flow through me.I look down at my hands and notice them unclenching,a sign that the fear of turbulence has truly passed.

Ilma smiles reassuringly at me and puts her hand on my palm, carresing it for a moment before letting go and getting up to pack.
Max chuckles at me,
"It's okay." He mumbles with a small smile, also getting up and starting to pack.

I nod, basically thanking them for the comfort.I chuckle aswell though, getting up and grabbing my backpack.
"I'm afraid of flying, still. Sorry." I chuckle again.

"Girl it's okay, I'm afraid of driving in a bolid yet here I am - a RedBull Formula 1 driver." Ilma says, making us all burst into laughter.

We slowly make our way out the jet, the warmness of the sun's light hitting us right into our faces - our eyes the most, making us have to put our hands above our forehead to protect us from the blinding light.

Although the sun was glowing and there were no clouds in sight, the weather was warm yet the wind that was blowing right into our direction was cold as ice - making my hair go in all sorts of directions since I had taken it out of my bun before taking my nap. That annoyed me so I quickly put my hair into a messy bun.

I felt like I was smelling colors since I barely just woke up, I always have such a disgusting feeling after taking naps and I never understood why. Ilma noticed that I was still sleepy so as we were walking towards the exit she hit the back of my head.

"Ow!" I groaned, making both Ilma and Max laugh. Eventually it pulls me into their party of laughter aswell.

I must say, I do enjoy the new life style. I was never rich to begin with, my family were middle class and I had everything I needed but this, what I have right now is so much bigger than what I've had throughout my whole life. Karting and every other upcoming path to Formula 1 is obviously very very expensive, I am grateful my parents believed in me and were able to save up and spend their money on me. Huge amounts of money just so I could have fun while trying to accomplish my dreams, they didn't even know if I would accomplish it yet they still believed in me and spent thousands and thousands of money. I am very grateful for that, although the media doesn't think so. Yeah, here I am again thinking about the media. I just want to shut my brain off and relax for a bit, no intrusive thoughts, no overthinking no nothing. Shut up Vic.

The thoughts of my current luxury life came back as we were now in a more exclusive area instead of the normal citizens exit area. We are supposed to be met by a chauffer or driver to pick up our bags and transport us to our final destination, i.e. our hotels. We actually had to also go to customs control to complete any formalities, which we completed pretty quickly since it was all in a separate line compared to the regular passengers,saving us much time and hassle.

Max and Ilma are, obviously,staying in a different hotel where alot of members of the RedBull Racing team are staying. The Uber takes them to their hotel, a quick drive while mine is 10 more minutes of driving. With no internet, and actually no wish for using internet right now, I decide to admire the beauty of Saudi Arabia while I can. As I ride in the Uber I stare out at the vibrant, colorful streets of Saudi Arabia,taking in the unique culture and architecture of this country.I see vibrant markets,sprawling skyscrapers, and beautiful mosques.I also notice the unique mix of modern and traditional styles of dress,with flowing robes and traditional headscarves juxtaposed with modern suits and heels.My driver pulls up to my hotel while I was still admiring everything,I marvel at the lush greenery and sparkling fountains, a perfect end to my scenic ride. And my thoughts are back again.

I thank the driver, sending him a tip on venmo before giving him my goodbye. He was kind enough to bring my luggage with me to the elevator, kind man indeed. We don't usually have alot of people like this in Poland, unless you pay them good. He didn't even ask for money for the kind deed, I still gave him a huge tip. Very deserved.

I make my way to my reserved room, room 008. Just like my racing number. So I'm guessing Charles is 016? What. I don't have to guess. I don't want to think about that disgusting creature of a man, the only reason I should think about him is with revenge. Yeah, I need to plot my revenge.

I put my luggage at the side of my bed and I sighed as I laid down on the bed, relieved that I was able to be comfy now. How am I gonna be traveling like around the whole world if I hate it? I don't know. I'll just try to manipulate myself into enjoying it, the flying and sleepy part I mean.

It was currently afternoon, I didn't have anything scheduled until Thursday. I had alot of free time and I still didn't know if that was gonna kill me or save me.

With the fake dating? Most definitely kill me.

I get a WhatsApp notification and I roll over on the bed to pick my phone, which was sinking in the white bed sheets, up.

Ilma (Lando Stalker):

Vic (Reputation Era):
"Girl what. You can't just say party at 7 and expect me to go??? what party, where and who"

Ilma (Lando Stalker):
"OK OK, idk I just know the whole grid will be there aaaand Lando's the DJ so likeeeee it'll be good trust."

Vic (Reputation Era):
"Now you're really sounding like Lando's stalker, I'm starting to believe the media and in the nickname I gave you lmaooo"

Ilma (Lando Stalker):
"NO, he just has good music taste."

Vic (Reputation Era):
"Up and down like a Rollercoaster?"

Ilma (Lando Stalker):
"STFU. Just tell me if you're coming or not, I'm not going without you."

Vic (Reputation Era):
"Mmmhauziaj, okay. Wanna get ready together? Come over to my room"

Ilma (Lando Stalker):
"YAYAYA, alrr. Omw girl"

I chuckle at that. It was only 12, but okay?

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