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Jeddah ended amazing, I got P3 Max was P2 and Lando was P1, despite the fact that Charles was filled with rage and anger the whole race he got even more dramatic when he saw Lando on the podium since he got P6.

Ignoring Charles and his intrusive thoughts getting the hang of him, I was really happy for both of my friends and because of my performance. I think this proves that I can do well this season, if the tables don't turn.

After the race in Jeddah, Charles was,like I said,in a state of sheer rage and anger. He couldn't handle the fact that he finished in P6 while Lando was on the podium in P1 with Max in P2 and ofcourse me in P3. He was filled with a sense of injustice and bitterness over his performance,obviously ignoring all of his normal thoughts and letting his emotions take over yet again. Classic Charles, czerwony idiota forever. Unless they fire him for this stupid behavior, which they definitely should. I would be glad.

Charles let all of his built-up anger and resentment boil over as he stormed around the Ferrari team's garage, ignoring anyone who tried to approach him to talk or console him.

He kept replaying the scene from the race where Lando passed him and made his way into P1, making his own mind flood with negative thoughts and feelings, aswell as rage towards Vic and their whole fake dating.

It was clear to everyone that something needed to be done about Charles's state of mind, and quickly.

Everyone on the team was concerned about Charles's state of mind after the race, as his attitude and behavior were clearly becoming more extreme and uncontrollable.

They tried to talk to him and reason with him but he was not listening, completely fixated on his own thoughts and emotions and not wanting to hear anything that was being said.

It was a tense and stressful atmosphere, with the team worried about Charles getting even more aggressive and volatile.
The team was at a complete loss for how to handle the situation and Charles's behavior, unsure of what they could do to help him or make him see reason.

They tried reasoning with him again, but it was clear that Charles was not willing to listen to anyone at all.

They knew that the race outcome was not the main cause of his anger and behavior, but it was clear that he was focusing on it and refusing to see anything else.

As Charles's state of mind got more and more uncontrollable, everyone on the team could feel the tension rising. They were becoming increasingly worried about how Charles would react and what would happen next.

They felt like they were walking on eggshells around Charles, not sure what would set him off next since literally almost everything did. It was a stressful and uncomfortable situation which I was just observing since I didn't bother to help, and everyone seemed to be holding their breath until Charles's state of mind improved and he was able to regulate his emotions once again, except for me. I didn't care and I left for interviews.

I love how he's being overdramatic for no reason, just because he didn't win? Man Lando didn't get his first win and he's been waiting since 2019 up until now, so 5 years of waiting and hard effort and he is being dramatic because of one race? I hate him. How could someone be so selfish and only think about themselves? Yeah, I don't know how but that person exists. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you; the most selfish person ever, Charles Leclerc. Ferrari's boy.

Yeah, no. Might be everyone's favorite driver, actually not anymore after yesterday, but you're not mine and that's all that matters. Merci.

The reporters,ofcourse, asked me about Charles and my opinion about his reaction since he didn't even come out for the interviews. Now they're making a big deal of his reaction just like his reactions are, just ignore him peopleeee. He'll eventually stop when you stop putting the spotlight on him. That's what I wish j could say, but I'm sure Ferrari PRs have already had enough with Charles so instead I said;

"To be honest, I have no idea. It's an understandable reaction, if it were him losing a championship or an important win, but It's not. But some negative thoughts probably got into his head, I suppose. I hope he sorts it out."

Something like that everytime, they've all already asked me this it's getting annoying but I still answered with a fake smile everytime. Do you ever force yourself to smile so much that the corner of your lips actually start to hurt? Yeah well, thats how I feel right now.

"Okay, thank you Vic for that answer. Now to congratulate you for your 2nd podium! How are you feeling?" She says.

I chuckle at that and smile.
"Thank you yeah, it feels really good. Amazing feeling and I can't wait to see what I can do with Ferrari." I nod.

Thank God, some appreciation for me.

"KI KI KI RA" is heard from nearby. I turn to my left and see Daniel with Lando, both of them smiling at me.

Ofcourse I had to greet him back.
"Ki ki EY!" I exclaim and that makes all four of us burst out into laughter. Daniel and Lando make their way towards me, Daniel opens his arms - asking for a hug. I smile at him and hug him tightly.

"Good job on the track, 2nd podium!" He says as he backs away from the hug,with his signature smile that could make even the most depressed person smile back.

"Thank you, Daniel! I'm really glad to see you on track, especially since you're doing so well." I smile softly at him. Yeah this was kind of weird in front of everyone, especially since my eyes kept glancing over to Lando's.

Daniel notices that and smirks at me, looking over to Lando with the same smirk which makes Lando nudge him with his elbow. Daniel chuckles and nods, looking back at me with his smile.
"Alright, I have to go do some interviews now. See you on track Vic."

"And bye Lando." He chuckles as he looks at him, knowing that he left him alone with me and the reporter. Daniel leaves and it feels weird being with Lando since the camera is basically in our faces.

Lando smiles at me and walks closer, hugging me with no warning. I hug him back, with my hands around his neck which I acidentally carress.

Yep, I'm in so much trouble.

"Good job, P3 Vic." He whispers into my ear, I can feel his breath on my neck. God, no. Why does he have to do this. Does he want me to get fired?

I am speechless and don't know what to say, he backs away from the hug and chuckles.

"Just kidding, you raced amazing today."

He's acting like nothing happened just now.

Okay. As long as the media belive it.

I chuckle back, yeah I'll play this aswell.

I turn to the reporter.
"He just whispered into my ear that I'm a bad driver, can you believe that?"

We all chuckle at that and the reporter says that they're done with the questions. I'm glad. Because what just happened might end my career, seriously. He's doing too much. Just the fact that dating or flirting with someone from the grid isn't acceptable, although Charles and I can since it's fake and we tell the media that "we keep it professional on the track",and the fact that the media think that I'm in a relationship with Charles.

I soon arrived at my hotel and I was too tired for anything, 21 years old.. I just need a little bit of sleep. I'm sure Lando does aswell, but he's still going to party unlike me. Bless him, I could not. The music, the lights oh God its already hurting me just by thinking about it.

I have a few days off before i have to go to the airport again, this time it's in Monza which I'm so so so excited for. It was supposed to be Melbourne next but for some reason they decided to renovate right now, and apparently it'll take a few weeks. You're not building pyramids but okay, glad I could get Monza early. I just hope I don't mess up.

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