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I woke up with a feeling of a headache coming on. I notice the feeling of pressure and discomfort in my head, along with a throbbing sensation. I groan at that as I get up, I hate headaches soso bad. And unfortunately I usually have them when I wake up, don't know why. They just never leave me alone, must be in love with me or something while I am trying to reject them for the 100th time. Can't even ghost them.

I decide to take some ibuprofen, I take the medicine and wait for it to kick in.
After some time I start to feel relieved.The feeling of relief from getting rid of a headache is a very satisfying one.
You feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.The discomfort and pressure in your head becomes less and less,and you feel much more comfortable.
It's as if you were drowning and suddenly managed to get back to the surface and take in your first breath of fresh air.
The person feels the pain subside in their head, and they can think clearly again. They feel a sense of lightness and freedom.
The pain is gone and life suddenly feels bright and hopeful again.
They feel relieved and energized, and it's such a wonderful feeling to be able to move on and enjoy the rest of the day without the distraction of a headache. If that doesn't describe how much relieved I am, I don't know what does then. In moments like these, when I have a headache or am sick I only then realize how grateful I should be for being healthy.

Enough of the headache stuff, I feel like I am going to get a new one just by thinking about it.Thankfully I am now able to go on with my day, well actually start with my new day.

Now I can actually enjoy my day and the plans that I had for today. One more free day until the stress officially begins again.
I woke up late today, 1 pm. Probably because of yesterday's party. I didn't drink but I felt like I was hungover for some reason, maybe because of me getting sexually assaulted. Maybe because of Charles and his stupid manners. His jacket is still here. I do not want to give it back because that would lead to a conversation between me and him, that's something I do not look forward to. Something I actually wake up thinking of, thinking of how much I am NOT looking forward to it.

I sigh at my own thoughts, continuing to get ready in my bathroom. I wore a black corset shirt along with a black skirt. The skirt wasn't too short and the shirt didn't expose much, I just felt like dressing up a bit for today - Ilma was going to wear something simular which means I had to aswell. Ilma and I are basically twins at the moment,I saw some edits yesterday of people calling us the twins of the grid. They even say we beat Landoscar, which I don't think so. Man, those two are basically the same but different fonts.

Landoscar, that reminds me of today's plans. Coffe with Lando, Oscar and Ilma which will probably not beat the rumors that Ilma is in love with Lando. And Oscar.

I must say I don't disagree with the first one but whatever. I had just finished my makeup and put all of my essentials into my purse, Ilma was waiting for me in front of my hotel inside the Uber that was going to take us there.

I greeted her aswell as the driver and made my way inside. Oh God, Saudi Arabia was so beautiful. I couldn't admire it for a long time since the coffee shop was nearby, we thanked the driver and both gave him a tip. He was kind aswell.

When we entered the building we saw Lando and Oscar, they wave at us - gesturing for us to come sit with them. We smile and do as we're told.

Located in a relatively quiet corner of the city, the coffee shop has a welcoming atmosphere and friendly staff.
It features simple yet elegant furniture, with wooden chairs and tables arranged in a comfortable setting. In the center of the shop, there is a coffee bar,where baristas are brewing the freshly-Ground coffee beans and serving it to customers.Along the walls, there are wooden cabinets and shelves displaying various kinds of sweets and pastries, a selection of desserts such as pastries and sweets,from what I was able to see in just a few seconds of glancing around,to enjoy with a hot beverage.

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