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A/n Pov.

Joshua was preparing the dinner as Hyunjin and he decided but Hyunjin was nowhere to be seen. Joshua was doing this all alone, Jeonghan looked at him and went toward him.

 Joshua was doing this all alone, Jeonghan looked at him and went toward him

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Jeonghan - Do you know where is Hyunjin? He supposed to be here....

Joshua - That was supposed to be my question because he supposed to be here. But he isn't, and I don't know where he is? So if you will see him tell him to help me?

Jeonghan - Its not like that, You can't do your work alone.. Always need someone (He mumbled)

Joshua - Ofcourse I can do it alone but I am just worried about him not like other who just know how to annoy someone. (Smirk)

Jeonghan - I also know how to punch, so be grateful thati didn't punched you yet....

Joshua - Actually, you did it.. You had punched me back than... So I don't need to be grateful. (Chuckled)

Jeonghan - umm.. Ohh I did?

Joshua - Yeah, you did.. So, be grateful that I didn't punched you yet or your any friend... That is why I am the gentle man. (Smiled)

Jeonghan - But you did thrown your money on my face.

Joshua - By the way, this view is very nice, a very good day to kill someone. I can push you from the ship. (Smirk)

Jeonghan - Chuckled* Look like I don't have any word to say..

Joshua - Yeah I know that my words can shut someone up.. (Smiled)

Jeonghan than went toward dining table and took a piece of dessert and gave it to Joshua while saying.

Jeonghan- You should eat some sweets so you can talk sweetly.

Joshua - Trust me, I am still polite with you when I should've punched you instead.. Well you were looking for Hyunjin... Weren't you?

Jeonghan - ohh yeah...

Suddenly their ship shake and Joshua grap dining table by his one hand while his other hand was held by Jeonghan. Joshua looked at him with shock face than he ran toward Captain office where ship employee were, Jeonghan followed him.

Joshua - what happened here?

Captain - Sir, There was shock circuit in ship's basement. Annnnddddd, we need to leave this Ship as soon as possible because there is a fire in the basement of the ship...

A/n Pov.

The captain looked at his crew and gave them a visual signal that they needed to transfer everyone on board to the lifeboats and than Joshua ran toward Changbin's room, while Jeonghan went toward Lee know's room. There was hustle bustle outside and everyone was rushing over put live boats in ocean.

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