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while luffy was downstairs to go get some snacks, ace and sabo was inside luffy's room and was sitting and laying on her bed while playing cod, completely unaware what was happening.

with a full concentration look, ace bit his bottom lip and tapped the console quickly.

he and sabo were in a 1v1 match right now, and ace was starting to overpower sabo by shooting him a few times but sabo kept hiding until sabo's player could already be seen at ace's back.

sabo then stabbed him.

“awwww no fair sabo” ace groaned and threw himself on his sister's bed.

“you just suck at playing games” sabo smirked.

“oh yeah? alright then, let's have another match! I'll beat you this time for sure!”

sabo raised one of his eyebrows but didn't say anything, the two were about to restart the game but they heard their sister calling them from downstairs.

“ace, sabo your friends are here!”

“what? what friends? i never invited someone—”

sabo and ace then shared looks and ran downstairs with loudly beating hearts.

they're still not ready to show their sister from the world.

Not now.

Not ever.

as they arrived at the middle of the stairs they saw koala hugging luffy while saying how adorable and cute she was.

Sabo and ace don't really mind koala hugging their sister, she was a girl of course.

Their concern wasn't directed to the brown haired girl, it was for the TWO men beside them.

while, hack was standing on the corner while staring at the wall the two brothers could see that he was blushing.

His neck and ears were red, despite now looking at their sister.

so ace and sabo guess hack would be able to live, however he will not leave this house without a little chat first with them of course.

unlike hack who's cowering on the corner, a certain shameless pineapple headed guy couldn't take his eyes off of their sister.

Marco stared so much as if their sister grew two heads.

ace held back a sneer and quietly walked down the stairs until he reached marco,

Marco could feel ace's presence and with his heavy hand on top of his shoulder, Marco couldn't help but flinch.

“heya marco, do 'ya know you've been staring too much at our sister?” ace grasped Marco's shoulders dangerously, “also did you know that i'm really good on burning things and maybe SOMEONE up, hmm?” ace continued.

“tell me marco, do you want to become a roasted chicken? cause you're awfully lookin' one right now”

sabo can't help but chuckle at ace's remarks.

Marco was sweating so much. that even hack could feel that Marco was asking for help, but he was already occupied, busy staring at the wall.

Marco sighed and looked at koala— his only chance of escaping these siblings wrath but koala was already happily chatting with Luffy.

“omygosh you're just so adorable!” Koala squeezed luffy onto her while giggling, “why did your brothers hide you from us huh??”

koala huffed then glared at ace and sabo as they nervously rubbed the back of their neck, “we're not ready..”

“not ready about what exactly? you know that will eventually come” koala raised her brow sassily that left the two brothers sweating bullets.

“it's also for her own good” ace mumbled

“and ‘for own good’ means taking away the girls freedom?”

“for fucks sake, your sister's missing all the fun outside!” koala snapped, glaring daggers at the two brothers.

hack and marco only watched at back amused.

“koala let's calm down ok?” sabo tried to get close at the two girls but didn't manage so, koala didn't even budge.

Her eyes were filled with anger and frustration, koala then lowered her head at the girl who was already looking at her in curiosity, “what's your name?” she asked.

“luffy” the said girl grinned.

Taking the sight of the smiling girl, koala cooed and kissed luffy's checks as they both giggle.

the two then sat on the couch and the four boys followed behind them.

And after some time of talking (threatening) the two brothers eventually agreed that their sister will attend college.

they can't do anything. they want nothing but the best for their sister, however they also know it was wrong to hide her from the outside.

so they finally decided.

Luffy will go where her brothers and friends attend, the well known college where every student dreamed of attending.


𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐄, 𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗒जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें