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I am in the empty corridor with my friends sitting on unused stretchers. I'm trying once again to read that Neuroscience textbook but it's not sinking it. I'm just not interested in reading this, I am much more interested in anything else.

"I mean why bother to have a kid if you're only going to see it on weekends and holidays? Might as well just get a cat." Meredith asked making me shut the textbook and all of sudden I was very interested in anything that anyone had to say as long as it's not about Neuro.

"I talked to Burke, I think he's fine." George changed the subject getting Cristina's attention immediately. Burke and Cristina are up to something I know it, but I chose to not pry for once in my life.

"You did what?"
"What's wrong with Burke?"
"Nothing's wrong with Burke."
"You know he let her decannulate a heart this morning?"
"You decannulated a heart this morning? By yourself? Bitch."
"No not by myself."
"Now she's lying about it."

"Yang decannulated a heart. Why is Alex not surprised?" Alex joined me in talking in third person as we shared a bag of chips and by share I mean I had one and Alex had the rest.

"Lucy isn't either. Lucy's stuck fondling man boobs. No decannulating hearts for Lucy.." I sighed as I looked at the brick wall dramatically.

"Why aren't you bragging about decannulating a heart?"
"I didn't dacnnulate the heart."

"Lucy and Alex do not believe you." I told her as Alex and I both shook our heads.

"What are you two doing? Last week it was off with his head and now you're being weird and friendly." Meredith pointed out what everyone else was probably thinking.

"Lucy and Alex have a patient who speaks about himself in the third person." I replied ignored her last bit of that comment. I am not supposed to bring my personal life to work.

"They thought it was annoying at first, but now they kind of like it." Alex said resting his head on the brick wall which definitely doesn't feel good.

"Good. Is it going to stop soon?" Meredith questioned which just made me want to do it more.

"Wow, what happened? This morning you were all bright and shiny, and asking to be kicked in the face. You were acting like Lucy." Cristina asked making me gasp.

"How rude." I touched my chest acting hurt.

"I am. I'm bright. I'm shiny." Meredith sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than Cristina.


"Lucy thinks this whole bright and shiny thing is getting kind of old." I let out as I examined my nails. I am in desperate need of a manicure.

"Alex agrees." Alex added while he chewing the chip in his mouth. Yuck.

I went back to work until I got paged by Izzie to find them in the left stairwell.

"They're going to try to operate soon. This week I think. It's stage 3 metastatic cancer. And my brothers are... and uh... Callie slept with Sloan. I just can't... I can't deal with any of it. I spent the entire day worrying about Burke... there's nothing wrong with Burke. God, my dad has cancer, and I can't even look him in the face. Cristina had to tell him what was wrong. Cristina..." George told me as I sat down in between them on the top step. I felt horrible for George stage three cancer is tough, really tough. My dad had stage two brain cancer three years ago we weren't allowed to tell a single soul. It's a genetic cancer so Lauren and I have to get secretly tested for it every six months but I can't tell anyone about this.

"Nobody gets it right with their own family." I comforted my best friend as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I certainly don't." Meredith added.


"Callie slept with Sloan?" Izzie asked in shock. I knew Callie slept with someone but not that it was Sloan. Yuck

"I don't get you people." George forced a smile but the pain in his eyes was real.

"Us with the boobs? We make a lot of bad decisions." I say referring to my kiss with Mark and y'know lying about my whole entire identity.

After Izzie and Mer both left it was only George and I. My hand still rested on George's shoulder. Until he told me to go do something other than look at him like he was a dying puppy.

I slowly walked back up to Franks room and stopped before going in when I overheard his and Alex's conversation.

"Dude, I still can't believe you went through all this for a chick."

"What you never did anything crazy for love?"

"Not like this."

"You have a girlfriend?"


"Dr. Allen? Frank can sense the vibes."

"I'm not talking about this with you."

"You messed it up? Frank's hit a nerve."

"It's more complicated than that."

"Then uncomplicate it then man. Grand gesture is what I'm talking about. Just figure out what she wants and make it happen. She'll forget all about the other girl. Trust Frank. Frank knows."

I walk in and they both stare they probably think I'm right on cue. They don't know that I've been stand out here the whole entire time.

"Lucy's here!" I exclaimed pretending like I didn't hear any of that.

"Okay Frank, time to take the tube out. Lucy, put on some gloves." Alex instructed but Sloan did give clear directions that I am not to do anything but watch.

"What's going on?" Frank asked as Alex held out the gloves waiting for me to take them.

"Alex what are you doing?" I ask really hoping he didn't listen to Frank's whole big gesture thing.

"You ready to take out Frank's boob tube?" Alex questioned still waiting for me to take the gloves. It was taking everything out of me to not take those gloves.

"Last time I heard I am not to do anything but watch today. What if Sloan finds out?" I ask as Alex and I make intense eye contact.

"Screw Sloan." Alex let out but I knew he did not mean that. He wants to be a plastic surgeon, so he wants to be on Sloans good side.

"She does know what she's doing right?" Frank asked looking a bit nervous. They were treating me like I am Izzie and on probation like her. I am good ass intern.

"I promise you Frank, the twins are in excellent hands." Alex reassured Frank as I took the gloves out of his hands.

"Ah Grand Gesture. Frank gets it." Frank said sounding a lot less tense about me taking out the boob tube.

"Lucy also gets it. Lucy was standing out right the door that whole time." I admit as I slip on the gloves. I did not wake up this morning thinking I would take out a boob tube.

1170 words
"everything comes back to you"

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