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During lunch today it was just George and I since Mer and Alex are busy, Cristina's sitting with Callie, and Izzie and him aren't really talking, yeah that's how good it's working out for them...

"Jeez, George. That's just sad, she had to make up an excuse just because it's too awkward to be around you. Your sex life is depressing." I tell him as he loudly drops his tray on the table.

"Oh you can't be talking, you're sleeping with Mark Sloan that's like rock bottom. People that sleep with Mark Sloan are either horny nurses or people with no self respect." George fired back as I just sarcastically smirked at him.

"Keep your voice down." I demanded while hitting him on the back of his head. "Marks really not that bad, he's actually really hot."

"Yuck, I'm trying to eat but whatever you have to tell yourself."

I started staring at Mark but he couldn't see me from where he was sitting. "Look at him, he's hot you can't lie."

George joined me in staring at Sloan and after a long minute he opened his mouth. "Obviously Marks Sloan is hot that's why the girls call him McSteamy. I was disagreeing with you saying he's not that bad. Remember when he made you and Alex run his errands? Or when he picked you to be on his case just cause you'd be fun to look at while he works?"

"You just don't understand." I let out a loud sigh and finally stop looking at Mark. He's just so...nevermind!

"Hey!" George called out as I walked off leaving my tray behind. It was time for surgery, I have better things to be doing than talking about how my sex life.

"A cheerleader? Really?" Mark asked me as I held the drill for him,

I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Not only was I cheerleader I was the cheer captain, prom queen, valedictorian, oh and I was a debutant." I tell him making him let out a slight groan in response as Callie walked in and immediately got started.

"You think she'll recover full function of her knee?" I asked Callie looking down at what she was doing as I assisted Mark.

"I hope so, cause if she doesn't get back on the Pom-pom brigade, her life is totally over. Man you'd think the way they treat her, she'd be ready to ditch the whole thing, but noo." Callie mocked the young girl whose life revolves around being a Pom.

"Of course she's not gonna walk away from that. It's her life. It's her identity. It's the only way she understands herself in the world." Sloan responded in a soft tone. This is what George doesn't understand! Mark can be sweet, rarely but he can. He's not a complete asshole.

Callie changed the subject to teasing Mark. "I heard one of the, uh sweet young things told Mark he looked like her dad today."

"Harsh." I let out as I laughed along with Callie.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Mark questioned giving me a slightly glare for the quickest second.

"Well, you just seem really empathetic to her plight, you know? Loss of identity, shattered self-image." Callie replied.

"You seem pretty happy about what happened to her." I butted in kinda coming to Marks aid.


"She's just happy cause Stevens and O'Malley hit the skids." Mark said making Callie stop what she was doing just to look at him in disbelief.

"Didn't I tell you not to tell anybody?" Callie questioned laughing a little to make the conversation less awkward on her side.

Callie cleared her throat and looked at me awkwardly probably cause everyone knows I'm George's bestfriend. "Who told you that anyways?" I asked after kissing my teeth.

"You didn't know?" Mark questioned raising his eyebrows, and smirking under his mask. "I thought you and O'Malley were bestfriends? Did George ruin another one of his relationships?"

Marks stupid remark made Callie laugh but wiped the smile off my face. Obviously Mark would come to Callie's aid since that's his bestfriend but George is mine so that means only I can make fun of his relationships!

"I was asking Callie a question not you, so you can keep your two cents to yourself. So who told you that, Callie?" I asked once again.

"It's a hospital people talk." Callie answered.

"It's not true." I lied but it was plain to anyone with eyes that it was.

After work today George and I went down to Joes to get drunk so we don't have to dwell on our sad pathetic sex life's. I personally don't think sleeping with the hottest attending at Seattle grace is sad and pathetic but George sure does if that attending is Mark Sloan.

As soon as I sat down I saw Mark which didn't really help that fact I'm supposed to be not thinking my about him.

George was out of it within thirty minutes, and I was still on my first beer. "You feeling alright Georgie?"

"Don't look okay? But McSteamy is walking over here." George slurred his words a bit but he managed to get them out in time.

"Go, go!" I demanded as I shooed George away.

Right as George left with my beer Mark sat down next to me, "Why is Derek sitting with Sydney? Is she dying?" I asked him as I looked back at Derek while Mark admired me.

"I have no clue. I offered to fake a heart attack but he said no." Mark and I both laughed slightly at this.

"Enough Derek's sad sex life. How was your day?" Mark questioned. Why does every all of a sudden have a sad sex life?

"It was decent."

Mark had his stupid hot smirk on his face as he opened his filthy mouth. "Wanna go make it better?"

I can't resist Mark, I've tried it's physically impossible. So I left with his arm my waist and ended the night in his bed.

1009 words
"See what you wanna see but all I see is him right now"

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