Chapter 15

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"Your Majesty?" I say as I look at his anguished face.

Oh no. Not him too.

His curse is resurfacing right before my very eyes.

"Your Majesty!" I stand up and sit by his side.

I then open the hatch of the carriage. I tell the driver to take us to the Sun Palace instead of the mine.

I want him to rest in his own bed if this is truly happening in to him.

I close the hatch back up.

"Your Majesty?" I look back at him. His fists were clenched.

"Step away from me, Estella. The shadows—" he tries to say. The shadows seemed to wrap around my ankle, exploring its surrounding.

"I can't do that, Kyrell. You're in pain." I reach for his hand.

He pulls it away, scooting further from me.

"Don't. I could hurt you." He breathes out.

"Let me help you, Kyrell. Please I can't see you like this." Tears threatened to fall from my eyes at his anguish.

The carriage then stopped in front of the palace.

"Please bring him to his room." I tell the knights who nod. I guess they've already been through this before. There're wary of the shadows but still follow orders.

Once we reach his room, they place him on the bed and leave the room.

"You leave too, Estella." He says roughly, removing his suit jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. They both end up on the floor. His muscular tanned body displayed for me.

"We have a contract. I said I would help you so here I am." I could see his curse mark, large across his backside. The black inked gleamed as if it was tar. The mark that gives him so much pain.

"You can't do anything about the curse. So leave before you get hurt." He brushes his right hand on his face.

I move closer to him, the shadows continue to circle me.

I could feel his heat radiating. His body is warm. Too warm like he has a fever.

I reached once again for his hand, this time forcing his other hand in mine. I resist his pull as he tries to get away.

Willing my gift to work, I suck in his pain. Closing my eyes to endure it. I release a yelp from the strength of the pain.

It was worse than Alastair's if that was possible. The tears were now falling down my face as I clenched my hands around his.

My mouth tasted like blood from how hard I bit my lip.

The shadows were still intense around me, wrapping like strings around my arm and waist.

"Estella." Kyrell grunted as I opened my eyes. "How—"

I couldn't speak, my vision began to fade. I felt my body lean forward before my mind went blank.



I scanned the crowd as I looked for Estella and Alastair. When I came to know that Estella was part taking in an outside activity I was surprised. She hasn't left the palace since we got married. It seems that she has finally gotten comfortable.

She never left my mind these days. A woman like her has captivated me far beyond my knowledge.

So much so that I need to keep an eye on her.

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