Chapter 18

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The last week of April is Alastair's birthday. I could already imagine his cute surprised face when he sees his party.

Knowing that Alastair gets startled with too many people I made sure to only invite a few kids. Them being the Viscountess' daughter, Emery. Countess Celine's twin boys, Trevor and Tavian, as well as her daughter, Alice.

Lucille is also bringing her little brother, Landon.

And the best part of all, Dilana is bringing the female lead, Evianna.

Evianna is an orphaned girl that Dilana's family took in. Dilana likes to work at the temple as well as the orphanage which is how the two met.

Feeling sorry for the girl, she brought her into her family.

I'm so excited, it's impossible to keep it in check. My foot bounces as I stand near Alastair at the entrance of the Star Palace.

I decorated the palace so well that it doesn't even look like the one from nine months ago. Lately, I'm realizing that I making a hobby out of party decorating. But what can I say, it is fun.

"Are you nervous?" I hand Alastair's hand to comfort him.

"A little. I can't believe Mother is throwing me a party." His mask hid his nervous eyes.

Though I don't want him to wear one, I don't want to other to make fun of him. So to solve that I said it was a masquerade, it should take the attention off of him.

"You deserve so much more than just a party. If you want anything just tell me, okay?"

He nods in understanding.

Then one by one the guests arrived. After greeting them we led them into the groomed palace gardens in the back. Where two tables could be found, one for the adults and the other for the children.

There was also an area where I installed a playground. The workers were in awe at what I made them do. It was a piece with swings and slides attached and some monkey bars on the side.

These children have never seen a playground so what better way than introducing one at the prince's birthday.

"Oh my! What is that?" Priscilla asks, staring at it as if it were an alien.

"It's called a playground. A contraption I thought of in my free time." I answer her inquiring thoughts.

"I've never seen such a thing. Your Majesty is very talented." Dilana says by my side.

I release a small laugh. "It was something I gifted Alastair for his birthday. I thought the children would enjoy there time playing as we talk."

"What a marvelous idea." Celine says taking her seat by me.

We sat in the same seats as at Dilana's home, however, this time Adeline did not show up. Even Priscilla was debating on whether to come because she had no children to bring with her. I ended up convincing her by saying I'll show her around the palace gardens.

"Thank you for inviting us, Your Majesty. The Star Palace gardens are truly spectacular." Lucille says, gazing her blue eyes around. "Landon was excited to be able to meet some new friends."

"I'm glad. Alastair was quite nervous actually. He's never had a party like this. But how have you ladies been? It's been a few weeks since we've last seen each other." I say, before taking a bite of strawberry cake.

"I was quite busy. Preparing a dress for Evianna and myself." Dilana answers, brushing her loose pink hair behind her ear.
"I have to agree. Being invited to a party so important has filled my days." The Viscountess adds.

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