Chapter 17

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The capital home of the Lauriers is quite beautiful. The spring gardens lined the front entrance, giving it life.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, Queen Estella de Royalis." A beautifully kept woman greets. "I am Dilana Laurier, the host of this tea party. It's a great honor to have Your majesty attend such a humble tea party as mine."

Her light pink hair was neatly braided around the crown of her head. Little red floral pins added a pop of color to it.

They matched nicely with her light blue eyes with a hint of grey. Anyone would understand that she is a main character.

"Thank you for greeting me so warmly, Lady Laurier. It's my honor to be able to come." I smile at her. I know for sure I would never hurt her. If anything I want to befriend her now more than ever.

"Please call me Dilana, Your Majesty." She tries returns my smile as she leads me to the backyard of the home. She's anxious though she tried not to show it.

I nod accepting her proposal. Though I don't like people calling me 'Your Majesty' all the time, it is better that I let her become used to my presence before I ask her to call me by my name.

I would startle her which I don't want, especially with the rumors about me.

Count Laurier is a good friend of the previous king which is why Kyrell was alright with Dilana's presence.

It's not very odd for her to invite me because of it. Most of the parties I get invited to are those by married women. That is why I thought Dilana's offer was different. I may be married but I still feel like a single woman with a child.

"There are five other ladies joining us. Lady Priscilla Ellington, daughter of Count Ellington. Lady Adeline Mellon, daughter of Duke Mellon. Lady Lucille Clemonte, daughter of Count Clemonte.

Countess Celine Dallarosa, wife of Count Dallarosa. And Viscountess Rosaline Winslow, wife of Viscount Winslow." Dilana's posture was straight as she listed the names. She's nervous to actually have me here.

I took in each name, assessing what my situation will be. I met all of them at the ball except for Clemonte and Ellington. As well as Dilana.

Winslow is the one I'm worried about. I felt her judging eyes when we were making our greetings. She probably has some feud with Estella that I don't know about.

As we walk to the back, I spotted a wooden gazebo painted a light grey. Underneath was a round table where the five ladies sat waiting.

"Ladies, I proud for you to meet Her Majesty, Queen Estella de Royalis." Dilana introduced me.

Each of the ladies stood from their seat and gave their greetings.

Countess Celine Dallarosa was a strong woman, sporting black hair and golden brown eyes. She was almost intimidating, the way she assessed me to see if there would be a problem.

She is also the oldest of us, around twenty eight or so.

Lady Priscilla Ellington had strawberry blonde hair with pinkish eyes. She was on the cute side, younger than me but still well mannered.

Lady Lucille Clemonte had a gentle face, her soft blonde hair was neatly curled, pronouncing her ocean blue eyes.

Lady Adeline Mellon had dark brown hair. Accompanied by hazel eyes. She seemed to be on the quiet side. I'm curious to see if she resembles the Duke.

And lastly, Viscountess Rosaline Winslow, also a married woman. As if to warn me ahead of time, her hair was a fiery bright red matched with light green eyes. She was beautiful but I didn't miss the snarky greeting.

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