Chapter 5.5

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"You'll love this place, flower. It has all kinds of stuff you can choose from."

Having brought Lilly into the main city through a hop, skip and twenty minute drive, streets were lined with lavish stores. Demons of all shapes and sizes milled around enjoying their day to day life. Some were queued out the door at a coffee shop, others were filling the front of their flower stores with new blooms imported in. The city thrived and everything ran as peacefully as it could.

While backwards places portrayed his home as a terrible place to be, full of fire and destruction, where monsters roamed the lands, it couldn't be further from the truth. "Here we go."

The fairy hadnt stopped staring at everything since they passed the gates to the royal palace, her head on a constant swivel and asking questions. What were street lights? Why does that man have a sword? How come those demons are flying around? What other places could they go to? And Lennox would give her all the answers she wanted to know.

Holding her smaller hand within his own, the blonde demon strode through fashion stores patiently. Let her shop and discover everything she never had before. There was a little smile on Nox's faces as he watched his fairy touch the fabrics with curious fingertips, looking around to make sure it was okay to do so. With his hands behind his back idly, Lennox was more than content observing. This was a first for himself as well. He had never considered taking anyone on a date before. Had never taken anything further than an easy fuck. Someone to syphon some energy off from and move on to the next.

Nothing had ever been permanent, nothing had ever been special. Orian might be a virgin, but netiher of them had experienced having a girlfriend. Neither of them had indulged the idea of anyone being a permanent fixture between them. Maybe they were waiting on their mates to come along. Maybe it was just a sense that she eventually would and wanted to save these experiences for her alone so they would be special.

For once, Lennox was experiencing a warmth through his body that had nothing to do with the heat in his veins or arousal. It curled in his chest and balled up behind his breast bone, a cosy fire of comfort. The gentle kind of warmth you looked for when getting affection from a loved one. The kind that felt like home. He was always going to compare that feeling with Lillith now.

"Sire? Do you need any help?"

He'd been so focused on the small fairy who was enamoured with a yellow floral dress that he missed the way the female staff had slid up into his personal bubble. Green scales peppered her face here and there, black hair swept back. The black uniform she wore was damned near painted on it was so tight, showing off a slim figure. Barely any curves to her and snake-like eyes stared at him innocently. Blinking and fluttered eyelashes full of insinuation. And yet the weirdest thing happened to him.

While all his life, at the slightest bit of female attention, Lennox's demon had perked up and forced him to act on the attraction since he was fifteen, there was... nothing. The touch of his shoulder was annoying, like something gross and slimy was stuck to him he needed to wipe off. Smothering the grimace that so badly wanted to twist his features, the blonde demon schooled himself.

He was a prince after all and needed to behave like one. Even despite his well known history with the female population, that would change now. Stepping out of her grip as politely as he could, Lennox ignored the urge to brush his arm clean. "No, thank you. I'm waiting for my mate to choose the things she likes." His chest puffed up a little in saying it publicly.

His mate. His. His own.

Ours. The surly bastard in his head amended.

Oh? Youre still there. I had hoped you shrivelled up and died, the venonmous thought left him. The peace and quiet in his own head had been fantastic.

The attendants reptilian eyes widened in surprise. "Your mate?" Instantly turning to give Lilly a once over and take in everything about his fairy. By sundown the whole city would know about her. About the new princess of the crown.

"Anything she touches, anything she looks at a little too long, I'm buying it. Put any accessories that go with her dresses along with the options too. She's a princess after all. She should look like one, don't you think? I'm sure I can trust you with ensuring that. Cant I?" He peered down at the name tag. "Destiny?"

The female's cheeks reddened, scales coming to life in thick patches. "Yes sire! I promise, I'll get her everything she needs!" Like the female had just been given a command from the Gods themselves, she was off to his little fairy, pointed tail swishing behind her excitedly. A woman on a mission if he ever seen one.

The moment she approached Lilly, his fairy was wide eyed and flustered with the attention. It brought a smile to Lennox face.


Shut the fuck up man. Youre the one who doesnt get a hard on for everything a with a pussy anymore. Admit youre whipped for the fairy. Take the first step.

I am no such thing!

Nox snorted to himself, taking great care in looking at the extensive array of lingerie arranged over the wall. Sure. Whatever man. Orian would loose his fucking mind if Lilly wore any of these things in front of him. He wanted to buy everything but he doubted she would be into the ones with no crotch or bras that would barely cover her cute little nips.

Pretty things. Alluring things. Things that would make her feel sexy and confident, in everything she wore. Things that brought his fairy out of her shell, thats what they need. That and something sparkly.

"Come here for a moment, flower." Crooking his finger at her as she wandered to him with pin cheeks and averted her eyes from the scandalous material. Lennox couldn't help but grin. "Out of all of these, what do you like the best?"

As if he'd asked her some wildly important question. "Think of it like a wedding gift. Something you can wear for that night. Something for me to peel of that lush little body of yours." Pick the cute pink one. Please for the love of the gods, pick that one. His mouth was watering just picturing her laying against the sheets in it, staring up with those innocent lavender eyes of hers, flushed cheeks and needy for him. For both of them.

Shit Lennox almost groaned out loud.

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