Chapter Six

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Several clothing stores, handfuls of bags carried by Lennox, a change of underwear and a small crowd gathering had Lilly positively overwhelmed. Everyone who followed them was whispering, making her nervous. Petals filled her hair and drifted into the breeze each time the wind whipped through the city streets leaving bystanders to watch in fascination.

"Don't be so worried, flower." The blonde demon gave her a gentle grin, the tip of his fang showing against his lip, "They're just curious to who you are, that's all."

Her grip on his arm tightened, shuffling a little closer as her wing twitched anxiously beneath her clothes. Since they were out in public, it felt safer to hide that fact she was only sporting one. Less people to see it, less people to judge her. "We bought an-an awful lou-lot."

"Don't be worried about that. We have money to burn, quite literally, and I now have somebody to spend it on other than my family. You'll get used to the ridiculous shit we'll buy, flower. Orian's probably going to try and one up me after this with something beyond lavish and pricey. Or we can keep the price tags a secret, yeah? He doesn't need to know shit. Then I'll be your favourite to shop with." Lennox grinned at her, pearly white fangs and boyish charm. It gave wings to the butterflies in her stomach.

She had never had any experience in money, dealing with it or knowing what kind of expenses were incurred within her own home. It had never been any of her business really. "Wh-", Lilly took a concentrated breath, "Why are yu-you spoiling me? I don't need theh-these things. N-Not really."

Broad shoulders lifted in a shrug as Lennox surveyed another store front, his golden eyes concentrated on something that had caught his attention. "Because I can, fairy. Because I have a reason to. I have a mate to buy nice things for and make her think about how wonderful a demon I truly am." Once again, he smiled at her while leading the small fairy through the street to the window.

Inside there were sparkling jewels of all sizes and variety glittering in the light that shone down over them. Such pretty jewels, everything she seen so far had been luxurious and wonderful. Who knew they could create such things? So many items she had never seen before, nor recognised. It was a learning process.

Even something as easy as underwear had been an entirely new experience when the staff had told her they needed to measure her size and fit. Leaves had almost grown out of her ears in surprise and embarrassment when the small measuring tool had strapped around her chest. It was all very business like, but still a surprise.

"I suppose it's also because I've never had somebody aside from my mother that I've wanted to shower in gifts. I never gave much thought to who would be my mate while I grew up. It was never something I concerned myself with." Lennox's brows came down in a slight scowl that made him look exactly like Orian. "For a long time, I didn't think I would find a connection with anybody. At times, I almost hoped I wouldn't because who wants a mate who's been around the block you know?"

She didn't understand the reference in the slightest, tilting her head curiously.

"I mean, I've known my fair share of females intimately. Its something I've never been able to help. My demon chooses what to feed on and it chose sex. But since you came along, it hasn't been as demanding. He's moderately quiet around you. Any bit of affection you throw my way, I snatch it up like it's my last bit I'll have before you come to your senses and think Orian's the better option." Lennox laughed sheepishly about it before leaning closer to the window, avoiding her gaze and he expressed himself. "What do you think of that?"

Staring at him for a moment longer, her heart in twists over his admission, the fairy followed his line of sight and felt a catch in her throat that had nothing to do with her stammer and everything to do with just how much thought Lennox put into their little adventure out. He wanted to show her she was loved? That he could be just as good a mate? He was doing a wonderful job.
"That looks beautiful." Lilly was entirely at ease with him, delicate petals blooming through her hair and catching the wind. Several 'aww's reached her ears from the others watching them.

Lavender (2) : Sons of the DeveauxWhere stories live. Discover now