Something Wrong- Jenna Ortega

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Word count: 1386

***TW: ED***

"Hey baby," Jenna smiled as she walked into your room. She had been filming in Romania for months so you hadn't seen her, and she was finally home. You sat up, unsure if you had actually heard her or if you had imagined it.

"Jenna!" You yelled as you sat up out of bed, looking toward the doorway. There she was, standing there with her suitcase at her side and a smile on her face. "I thought you weren't supposed to return for another month." I smiled as she walked over to me and hugged me.

She smelled of cherry blossoms and her body was warm compared to yours. Everything about her just pulled you in and made you feel safe. "Yeah but I wanted to surprise you, your mom called and said she was worried about you."

These words sent a chill down your spine. You knew exactly why your mom was worried, but you never would have thought that she would call your girlfriend. Your mom had been nagging you the last month or so about how 'tired' and 'sick' you looked, and it seemed that she extended her worry to Jenna.

"I wonder why," you lied, trying to ignore the fact that something was definitely wrong, "I'm completely fine." you smiled, "Especially now that you're here." you didn't give her a chance to answer before you wrapped her in another hug and began to press sweet kisses to her cheeks.

Thankfully your distraction worked because she just began laughing as she squeezed you back, giving up on the conversation. "God I missed you." She smiled into your neck as her arms wrapped around you tighter.

"I missed you too." You smiled back, it was nice to have her back in your arms. "How has filming been going? You guys almost done?" She just smiled as she leaned back and looked at you, her eyes calm and secure.

"Yeah, but it is hard being apart from you. The only person that keeps me sane is Emma." You smiled at this sentence, knowing that Jenna's co-star Emma Myers was one of the sweetest people ever and always helped Jenna through the tough times you couldn't be there for.

"Oh yeah, how is she?" You smiled. You had met Emma one time at a cast party and the two of you interacted on social media a bit, so you did like to hear about the girl, especially since she was important to Jenna.

And as your girlfriend began to talk about all of the things she and Emma had been doing, your ears rang and your vision began to blur. It took a moment for Jenna to notice something was wrong. And she probably wouldn't have except for the fact that you swayed a bit, too dizzy to sit still.

"Baby?" Jenna cooed as she steadied you, your vision finally focusing on her. "You okay? When was the last time you drank water or ate anything?" She asked, pressing her hand to your forehead to check for a fever.

"Dinner last night." You lied, the real answer had been a small snack almost three days before. But you knew that if you said that, she would make you something to eat that you couldn't refuse, and you didn't want to do that right now.

"Y/n? What's going on with you love?" Jenna asked, a little skeptical of your answer but wanting to believe you. You didn't want to lie to her, you hated lying to her, but you also couldn't have her worrying about you when she needed to focus on work.

The truth was, a month after she left to film, you really began to eat your feelings, and it hadn't gone unnoticed. But, instead of bringing up concern and worry for you, your brother went about it the wrong way. He made many comments about the fact that if you kept eating so much when Jenna got back she wouldn't want you anymore. This mortified you. Now you knew this wasn't true, you weren't even eating an unhealthy amount, just a little more than usual. And you knew Jenna would never leave you over something as simple as a little weight gain, but still, the mere thought sent you into a spiral. And thus, your meals got farther and farther apart, and eventually just became small snacks often enough to keep you going.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You said quickly, giving her a quick reassuring smile. "I think maybe I just have a stomach bug or something." You saw by the way her eyebrows moved that she wasn't entirely sure you were being truthful, but, she also did want to help you.

"How about I go get you some soup, meds, and water?" She asked, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and cupping your face. You didn't want her to make you soup that you wouldn't eat because that would just further her suspicion.

"No baby, you just got home, rest." You smiled, wanting to get her to move on from the conversation yet again. You knew that these habits weren't good for you, and it wasn't something you wanted to continue, but you also weren't sure how to stop yourself.

"Y/n, it's no big deal, babe." She smiled, ignoring what you said, and running to the kitchen, you called her name but she didn't care, so you got up and followed after her.

"I'm not hungry," you lied, hugging her from behind, "I don't want you to make something I won't eat." Her making food for you sounded like a dream come true, but your brother's words haunted your mind.

"How are you not hungry? Dinner was like almost twenty hours ago if you ate when you normally do." It was true. You used to try to eat dinner every night at six, and it was already 2 pm. "How about I make something, and if you don't eat it, we can save the leftovers?"

You knew that Jenna was going to do whatever she could to get you to say yes, so, to avoid a pointless argument, you agreed. "Fine, but only because I love you." You smiled reluctantly.

"Yay okay, I will go make your favorite, you go lay down." She jumped as she started pulling things out of drawers and getting ready to cook.

"Babe, I feel bad." You said quietly. She had just returned from long months of filming, and now she was taking care of you because you were too scared to tell the truth.

"Y/n, go lay down or I will tackle you." She joked, but you knew she was somewhat serious. She wanted to help you and the fact that you wouldn't let her just made her want to do more.


***One week later***

"Hey y/n, can we talk?" Jenna whispered as she walked into your office where you were typing. She had been back now for about a week and she had another one before she had to go back to Romania.

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" You asked as you looked up from your computer. And after seeing the expression on her face, you knew exactly what she wanted to talk about. Your heart dropped as you realized that you would finally have to deal with it.

"I've noticed that you haven't been eating at all." She began, unsure of how to find the words she wanted to say to you. "And I'm just not sure what going on... but I'm worried about you baby." You didn't want her to worry, and you didn't want her to know the reason behind your behavior, so you did the only thing you could think of.

Deny, deny, deny.

"I don't know what you mean Jen." You said quickly as you turned back to your work, avoiding eye contact with the brunette for fear that you wouldn't be able to lie to her. You heard the girl scoff from behind you, her hands then resting on your shoulders.

"I love you y/n, and I'm not blind." She said quickly, her words sending a shock through you. "I'm here whenever you decide that you want to talk to me." Then her hands left your body and in another second you heard the door close, her words sinking in.


Hey guys!! Just a short one shot for y'all, even though it was a bit of a sad one.

On a more fun note... I had an audition today!!!

I should know soon if I got the part so wish me luck!

Love you all!!


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