Helluva Boss Pilot

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The team of four, three imps and a hellhound, sat in silence as the clock in the background ticked. Adding to the annoyance of one tall imp who simply grumbled to himself. This being the leader of the team Blitz (the 'O' is silent) with his cohorts Moxxie and Millie along with his daughter (only on paper) Loona.

"Where the fuck is that kid?!" The failed entertainer screamed in fury as he furiously glared at the ticking clock. "He's an hour late! What in Satan's name is he doing?!" The clock continued to tick in the background before he pulled out his flintlock. "And YOU! Shut up!" he ordered, pulling the trigger and destroying the clock instantly.

"That's the third clock this week, sir." Moxie sighed heavily, getting up from his seat and over to the supply closet. Getting a broom, a dustpan and another clock to hang up.

"Fuck off!"

"Blitz, calm yourself down boy!" Millie yelled in exasperation. "He told us he was going to be late. He said to just have the meeting without him so what's the big deal?"

"No way! I ain't starting shit 'till he gets here!" The boss yelled, getting an eye roll from the hound girl who didn't bother looking away from her phone.


"I LIVE BITCHES!" A voice yelled out as the aforementioned 'kid' entered the room. Drawing their attention, though they did let out a laugh when they saw that his appearance was a bit rough and ready. Clearly something was going on before he got there. Wink, wink.

"Good day everyone. What did I miss?"

"Nothing much, Izuku. Blitz refused to start without you and now he's...uh..." Millie began with a light chuckle.

"Acting like a fool." Moxie finished for his significant other, now having finished setting up the new clock.

"Well screw you too, Mox." The boss growled before pointing an accusatory finger at Izuku. "And where have you been!?"

"I had a very important appointment that I couldn't reschedule. I told you this yesterday." He said as he took a seat beside Loona. Said furry glancing over at him with a small smirk before messing with his hair. Pulling out a few stray white feathers, which luckily went unnoticed by the others.

"Now, are we gonna get started or what?" Izuku asked with a smile, before tuning out most of what was going on since he didn't really care.

"Alright, now, I know business has been... a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here... Moxxie." Moxxie gives him an incredulous look as he continues. "Now, does anyone have... any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?"

"What about a car wash?" Millie excitedly asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"This is Hell, Millie. No one cares about cars being clean here, okay?"

"Speak for yourself boss." Izuku commented with a slightly disgusted expression.

" Ooh, what about a billboard?" Blitz proposed with a subtle shine in his eyes.

"We can't afford a billboard, sir." Moxxie sighed as he rolled his eyes at his theatrics.

"I mean, I can but that doesn't mean I'll do it." Izuku muttered out with a shrug as he drank his coffee.

"Helpful, Moxxie. Really glad you're in the room right now. Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?" Blitz said as he shoved him away. Turning on the nearby TV and showing footage of the group out on a job.

Blitz swung a hammer at one person's head, causing it to crack open. While Moxxie fired a shotgun point blank at another which sent him flying afterwards. Loona was swinging one person around with her teeth by the neck. Millie sliced another target's head clean off with a maniacal laugh. In the background, Izuku was absentmindedly setting his targets on fire while scrolling through his phone.

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